I just stumbled on this website from google. This place looks like a great location place to stay up to date with the news of my favourite video game companies!
It's just a shame this place is so quiet!
All kidding aside though.
It's great to see this website is still up and running. It's good to see Netsrac, Gump and of course ZethN64 still frequent this place.
If anybody recognises my name that's because I was a user from 2012 through 2014.
That's cool if you don't though, I mostly lurked and only posted maybe once a week. But I was very up to date with the happenings. (I wonder when the Ura Zelda project is going to be completed)
I still recommend this place and the voyager of time mod to friends.
Btw. I miss Conker and Giadrosich.
Also I'd like to have my old account back but the password reset function doesn't seem to want to send anything to my email addresses.
Thanks as always ShadowFire for keeping this place going all these years.
Looking at my old account it seems I did make a few posts last year so I guess really it hasn't been that long!