Yeah, a bit like that. You can dig for some items, mostly rupees/hearts. I could fix the collectible actor maybe, because the randomizer would end up dropping heart containers, which would be weird... lol
This mod only is allowing you to buy items, not find them, so certain actors have had their drops nerfed before I started making ZEY, so I need to fix grass which shouldn't be a problem.
No matter what account you are on, Welcome back! Things have been quiet around here but there hasn't exactly been much going on compared to the older days. Either way, it's great to see a returning member! I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up in my IMs or any of the staff that isn't Shadow Fire since he's still MIA until things get settled on his end.
I added some blocks to the portal, providing the last 10 topics pulled from the News category. I will be happy to take suggestions for additional content people would like to see on the portal, and if possible, I will attempt to implement it.
If this is unsatisfactory, I can simply change the default page to load the forum index, as opposed to the portal.