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Posts posted by KEMIKOOL

  1. Hey guys! Sorry for all the posts, but I'm excited! I just decided to name this fan-game. Legend of Zelda: The Magic Mirror. Now I'm sure every one of us knows what the mirror is, and how awesome of a way it is to add twice the content, and that is why I'm basing the game on it(not just because I love lttp and twilight princess) This will (obv) be the official thread for the fan-game. All comments and suggestions are welcomed

    • Like 1
  2. Posted Image
    Credit to BxR for the topic logo ;)


    Official topic



    May 7th - Dawn of the first day

    here is 5 days later!!!

    12th of May - 5 days from start

    Thanks to Airikitas suggestion, the cameras movement and relation to player movement has been tweaked to work a little better. Check it

    15th of May - 7 days in


    bombs and breakable walls test

    breakable walls working as well as map loader


    May 18th - intro (kind of)


    may 19th - pinks animation

    may 20th - hand attachments


    critical feedback please!


    HUD and Stats - Finished (Magic, hearts)

    Bomb - Finished

    Magic Mirror - Mesh finished, function non-existant

    Bow and arrows - not started (next to be implemented)

    Small keys and master keys - Not started yet

    Sword - finished
    Rupees - Not started (easy enough to be considered finished)


    Map exits - finished

    Breakable walls - finished

    Player and camera control - partially finished

    attachable sword mesh and animation - finished

    walking animation - finished

    Npcs - Not even thought about yet


    This is engine work, no story or dialogue people needed yet ;P

    Im looking for a few different or mixed positions...

    NOTE: Everything must match the link to the past style, and the style of the levels in my video (minus the black outline mesh).

    -Modelers(Maps and objects)
    -Programming theory advice people
    -graphics (must imitate link to the past style!!)

    • Like 6
  3. i see it, do you guys? yea, you do its right there


    lole but whats up, transferring hosts, ay? i just registered a new domain today, now i have 2 useless websites. well one is not so useless considering it got 20,000 unique visitors in 1 month of being up (what the tempered swordsmiths happened to get those views for something so shitty)


    sorry for the slightly off-topic-ness, but goto www.buttchan.com and tell me if thats really 20,000 uniques in a month? ahahaha(its not)

    not a plug i promise, i already have all these return viewers, though, hmm maybe i should adsense that site up and add on to that 36 dollars from my adsense account from 2006 and try and finally get a 100 dollar check from google just to pin it up on the wall ahaha. or donate it to the gcn, my babes.





    SO SORRY for the off topicness, im just type-ative  right now because you meantioned dns soivaz

  4. This looks promising, but oh so difficult to implement. Perhaps as a proof of concept, you may possibly want to start with LoZ's map? It has a lot less... stuff going on that you would need to worry about (though in essence LoZ has it's own boundaries to worry about as well.) But if you feel more comfortable with this then by all means!

    your name is three pendants and youre telling someone they should do something other than LTTP?? :P

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