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Everything posted by KEMIKOOL

  1. EDIT: FINISHED! Thanks to Sanguinettimods for dealing with my annoying ass and teaching me everything i know! (beta) if anyones interested in providing me with eponas ripped textures(tga or not) i can finish this and make a patch! (/beta)
  2. i suck but im sure theres a way to do it, like if you could apply the hover boots effect to the horse and lower the gravity i guess? i dont know if its possible to apply a gravity change to just the horse(if it even has gravity) im wondering if theres a way to make it spawn some type of deathmountain fire actor when you press a button on the horse
  3. i shouted that last night if thats what youre referring to, yea, i was going for demon as opposed to dragon >
  4. air your commitment is crazy, i cant believe you figured that out pretty quickly actually anyways look what i did!
  5. congrats air! now your mod has aliens aliens AND ufos
  6. lttp was my inspiration 100% i mean come on, look at the second zelda map i ever made
  7. yep, 2 shots of rum and half of a huge bottle of wine ahah
  8. theres no obj file for that? someone needs to extract the zobj out of it, link in space mods would rule ahaha
  9. gah finally, i ripped air off sorry there are some rotation problems i need to fix lulz but yea you are what you model (in my case)
  10. by material i meant texture, i saw the 2 black strips and they werent affected by the shading so i figured the texture was mostly solid greenish brown
  11. its because the material is mostly a solid single color
  12. in a nutshell yes you grow up get a shitty job and lose your creativity, but sometimes it comes back
  13. it made me happy to see you used my textured version ahah
  14. http://www.tempfiles.net/download/201211/273417/alienhead2.html xdan try this, if it works, can you please tell me how to replace model parts on an animated model ;P im sure its easy enough, repoint the head limb of the gibdos to the new model right?
  15. everything i make is custom, minus a few ripped oot and mm textures, but i make my maps and models in ms3d coming from you that is an honor naxyll
  16. i literally started zelda modding when i joined this forum. i didnt know much about hex editing until the past few days. I started with sharpocarina and made this Ive been modding halflife and halflife 2 since halflife 1 came out, so ive always been quite an undercover nerd many thanks goto @SanguinettiMods for helping me learn how pointers work to change models
  17. sang, youre a super smart 13 year old hacking zelda roms, youre way ahead of your age, youre defiitely really supportive and willing to learn, not to mention reallly talented, i mean you just mentioned how you want to start ssb modding, and im with you on that edit: this is coming from a 22 year old.
  18. thank you for the kind words of inspiration my fellow zelda addicts! Im trying to learn everything there is to know about complete modification (even if i have to fudge things like cutscenes but its so possible if you take the time) i think im going to make a desert qhost town like twilight princess except more oldschool western with a gerudo soundtrack, maybe have gannon run through the town on his horse cutscene with or without zelda
  19. aw hellz yea sakura, i love it here, i only started hacking oot when i joined this place and look what ive learned. sanguinetti taught me how to replace actor models in only a few hours! im pumped
  20. heres a cutscene of the mastersword in my own custom made lost woods ;D
  21. im sorry, i grew up with games like kirby superstar, its one of my favorites, if you look it up im sure youll see the resemblance in graphics
  22. i figured collision worked the same, that means someone can hack all the actor collision flags so you can climb on top of people ahaha
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