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Posts posted by KEMIKOOL

  1. i suck but im sure theres a way to do it, like if you could apply the hover boots effect to the horse and lower the gravity i guess? i dont know if its possible to apply a gravity change to just the horse(if it even has gravity)


    im wondering if theres a way to make it spawn some type of deathmountain fire actor when you press a button on the horse

  2. xdan: I found the problem... so I was looking at the offsets for both the Gibdo's head and my new model and noticed how there was 3 lines mixed in the wrong order in the .bin file your program created:


    Gibdo's head:

    Posted Image


    The .bin file created raw:

    Posted Image


    So I had to re-arrange the 3 lines that your program created to look like this:

    Posted Image


    So it turns out my model was fine, but your program was creating some problems earlier where the Gibdo's head was invisible... but now it works after I fixed it:

    Posted Image


    So this will work for other objects, it just needs to be adjusted.


    it made me happy to see you used my textured version ahah
  3. i literally started zelda modding when i joined this forum. i didnt know much about hex editing until the past few days. I started with sharpocarina and made this

    Ive been modding halflife and halflife 2 since halflife 1 came out, so ive always been quite an undercover nerd


    many thanks goto @SanguinettiMods for helping me learn how pointers work to change models

  4. sang, youre a super smart 13 year old hacking zelda roms, youre way ahead of your age, youre defiitely really supportive and willing to learn, not to mention reallly talented, i mean you just mentioned how you want to start ssb modding, and im with you on that


    edit: this is coming from a 22 year old.

  5. thank you for the kind words of inspiration my fellow zelda addicts! Im trying to learn everything there is to know about complete modification (even if i have to fudge things like cutscenes but its so possible if you take the time) i think im going to make a desert qhost town like twilight princess except more oldschool western with a gerudo soundtrack, maybe have gannon run through the town on his horse cutscene with or without zelda

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  6. Collision really works no different then Scenes, except the collision can be stored inside the same object file, or its stored in the actor itself. However, the actor of course has to have reference to it. There was something else, I just don't remember what when spinout and I changed the entire graveyard sets with the one with MM's and added its correct collision as well, something about a float pointer?


    i figured collision worked the same, that means someone can hack all the actor collision flags so you can climb on top of people ahaha
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