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Everything posted by Three_Pendants

  1. Fantastic work Airikita! Only one more to go now and the Actor List will be complete!
  2. I used a different Rom and found the Beggar Checks, there were a few surprises waiting on the wings on this one. First was the presence of an unused text call in the file to an entry for the Fairy which can't be sold because Link just uses it in front of the Beggar and second is that all of the sold items correspond to a single return entry, which is different from the Big Poe and Poe when the Poe Salesman gives you back an Empty Bottle entry they're in two separate pieces so you can have two returned items. Unfortunately for us the Beggar only has one Empty Bottle entry and returns that regardless of the item given. Here are the Beggar Checks and that completes all Actor Trading with Items! Expect Mask trading in the near future! ------------------------------------------------------ 016E ovl_En_Hy Normal Hylians (In this case Beggar) ROM: 0xE26EE0 - (24060014) - Item Received (Refer to Event Items!) when any item is given. (ordinarily Empty Bottle) ROM: 0xE293D8 - (0096) - Rupee Gain of Blue Fire (150) ROM: 0xE293DA - (0064) - Rupee Gain of Fish (100) ROM: 0xE293DC - (0032) - Rupee Gain of Bugs (50) ROM: 0xE293DE - (0019) - Rupee Gain of Fairy (Beta!) (25) ROM: 0xE274E8 - (24010019) - Reaction to Blue Fire ROM: 0xE26728 - (24080019) - Showing Blue Fire to Beggar ROM: 0xE274DC - (24010018) - Reaction to Fish ROM: 0xE27D80 - (24060018) - Showing Fish to Beggar ROM: 0xE274F4 - (2401001A) - Reaction to Bugs ROM: 0xE27D18 - (2406001A) - Showing Bugs to Beggar NOTE: Judging by text files and links to that text within the actor it was clear that the Beggar is supposed to also buy fairies. However the game does not judge the Fairy in a Bottle Action Parameter as a valid Used Item Index entry and so the text and the function goes unused. I am certain that the data for the Fairy entry must still exist within the actor, but I have little reliable way to look for it.
  3. This does look quite interesting. I loved Tales of Symphonia and I didn't think the sequel was that bad either. Looking forward to hearing more news about this!
  4. Well I meant to find the Beggar checks but bizarrely enough the Beggar is broken for me on even a clean rom which simply does not make any sense. Every item he should give you money for has him respond with his normal message. But I did find all of Biggoron's checks and though I wish I could have found the 3 Days Time in there as well, I had no basis on where to look so I'll look that up another time. From the way it seems Biggoron's Checks are programmed in such a way that he responds individually to each item in an order. First Broken Goron's Sword, then Eyedrops, then Claim Check, and finally Claim Check after 3 Days. It may have something to do with the 0A,09,08 values on the registers, but changing them to be all of the same causes the other two to non-function. 01AE ovl_En_Go2 All normal Gorons + Biggoron ROM: 0xDFBE00 - (2401000B) - Biggoron's reaction to Broken Goron's Sword ROM: 0xDFABCC - (240A000B) - Showing Biggoron the Broken Goron's Sword ROM: 0xDFBD9C - (2401000E) - Biggoron's reaction to Eyedrops ROM: 0xDFABD0 - (2409000E) - Showing Biggoron the Eyedrops (Only Applies After showing Broken Goron's Sword!) ROM: 0xDFBCA8 - (2401000F) - Presumably the Reaction to Claim Check before 3 days elapse, but it is responded to with the normal text in the first place. ROM: 0xDFBD04 - (2401000F) - The Reaction to Claim Check after three days have passed. ROM: 0xDFABA0 - (2408000F) - Showing Biggoron the Claim Check (Only Applies After showing Eyedrops!) Since Beggar seems inaccessible (besides he only gives money and empty bottles... then again that alone might be interesting) It's time to move onto Masks.
  5. And the mystery is solved! King Zora and the Poe Salesman have no more secrets to share! (Poe Salesman Especially! I have scoured his data hither and thither and found every single function of his by now) Now this is bizarre and stands against all reason... The Poe Salesman did not have the reference to the Big Poe, it was in Link's actor file the entire time. So the first theory was correct. It was Half in Link's Actor and Half in the Poe Salesman, but to compound matters was that it wasn't in the Used Item Index, it was in the Action Parameter Index, and its located shortly before the game goes into the "This Item cannot be used here..." routine, a check against 0023 (Big Poe's Action Parameter) is in Link's File and from there it is turned into a 001C, Why it would no longer activate if 001B was changed (The Poe's Used Item Index value) is beyond me, but that no longer appears to apply. So now you can set any shown item (or bottled item I would imagine as well) you like as the Poe Salesman's 100 Point reward item and his 10 Rupee Item. King Zora was just using a different value than I was expecting to find and seemed to miss it for that reason. I found that out after quite an amount of breakpointing on the Used Item Index spot. So without further ado, here are the values... 01B8 ovl_En_Gb (Poe Salesman) ROM: 0xDE6484 - (2407001B) - His reaction to Poe ROM: 0xDE6514 - (2407001B) - Showing Poe ROM: 0xDE6490 - (2407001C) - Reaction to Big Poe NOTE: Located in Link's Actor! Put here for easy reference! Refer to Action Parameter List above! ROM: 0xC0A138 - (24010023) - Showing Big Poe ------------------------------------------------- 0164 ovl_En_Kz (King Zora) ROM: 0xE52C80 - (2401000C) - King Zora's Reaction to Prescription ROM: 0xE53180 - (2407000C) - Showing him the Prescription ROM: 0xE52C10 - (2401001D) - King Zora's Reaction to Ruto's Letter ROM: 0xE525F0 - (2409001D) - Showing King Zora Ruto's Letter -------------------------------------------- That leaves the Biggoron Checks and the Beggar Checks to locate. Hopefully this little side-mission should be complete soon
  6. Fantastic! I cannot wait to see this made complete! You even got the skulls on the hut! That's attention to detail!
  7. I am loving what I'm seeing! But how is it to scale? Does Link fit properly in the location?
  8. Aww, looks like the picture doesn't work. I was really curious to know what it looked like as well, hehe.
  9. For instance, whenever you learn an Ocarina Song the volume gets lower so that you can hear the instrument teaching you the song and when you play back the song, But granted, in all of these scenes is the "You learned This Song!" Music with it.
  10. Does Actor 56 also lower the volume by any chance? Since it's used in a Lot of cutscenes that don't necessarily have music changes but have a lower volume.
  11. That tree in the background looks quite fantastic! Is this going to be a one map area or is it planned to be split into several maps?
  12. Haha, it's rather neat to see that a lot of the files names are still exactly the same or similar to their OoT Counterparts. Romani and Cremia still being called Ma (as in Malon) is rather interesting. Now how did you find these? Is there similar data like this in OoT with Cutscene Markers?
  13. Looks like you have a menagerie of sought after skills under your belt. Welcome to the GCN!
  14. Looks like my fears were unfounded! I would love to see what you've come up with for the surroundings around Link's House.
  15. I only meant more common than 2401, I have no idea how common or uncommon 2407 may be compared to other values, but to know that 2401 is used only for storing temporary values is interesting, though are you certain about 2406's function? If such is the case that would mean that Actors literally spawn items into Link's hands when they give him a non-Quest item. Is that what is happening then?
  16. Well yes, but ADDIU AT, R0 (2401XXXX) is used everywhere for a lot of things, Just as ADDIU A3, R0 (2407XXXX) can at times mean spawn an actor, it can also mean other things. but in general 2401 is an extremely common command where 2407 is a fair amount rarer and usually has a noticeable feature attached to it (Spawning or checks so far).
  17. Strength in adversity as they say, though he left the hackers and modders have not skipped a beat over his departure, as it should be. One person does not make a community after all. Welcome back Griduser! You definitely have some real talent with the map creation tools!
  18. Hmm, interesting question... I haven't yet looked at mask buyers other than a cursory glance through the Graveyard Boy's data and aside from finding the price he buys the mask for and the item he gives you (sold out) I wasn't able to find anything of note... Now after giving the file a quick look through it does not appear to work the same way, but there might not be two checks that mask buyers have to pass through, meaning that a 240100XX command would suffice alone.
  19. Tried it, he has no reference to either item in his file so little surprise that it doesn't do anything. Good thinking though.
  20. Here's the first part of allowing any normal item receiver to receive a different item... YET TO FIND - It seems that King Zora and Biggoron use a different format, so finding their Item Correlations will take a little bit more effort to locate. ----------------------------------------------------- 013F ovl_En_Hs (Carpenter's Son) ROM: 0xE255BD - (24010007) - Responding to Cojiro ROM: 0xE256B8 - (24070007) - Showing him Cojiro --------------------------------------------------- 014A ovl_En_Mk (Lakeside Professor) ROM: 0xE63184 - (2401000D) - Responding to Eyeball Frog ROM: 0xE6331D - (2407000D) - Showing him Eyeball Frog ---------------------------------------------------- 01B8 ovl_En_Gb (Poe Salesman) ROM: 0xDE6484 - (2407001B) - His reaction to Poe ROM: 0xDE6514 - (2407001B) - Showing Poe ROM: 0xDE6490 - (2407001C) - Reaction to Big Poe NOTE: Still missing the Big Poe Showing entry itself, this is a quizzical matter that I have not figured out yet. ------------------------------------------------- 013C ovl_En_Niw_Lady (Anju) ROM: 0xE70920 - (24010006) - Anju's Reaction to Pocket Cucco ROM: 0xE70A10 - (24070006) - Showing Anju the Pocket Cucco after awakening Talon. ---------------------------------------------------- 003D ovl_En_Ossan (Shopkeepers) ROM: 0xE7C070 - (2407FFFF) - False Positive? ROM: 0xE7C13C - (2407FFFF) - False Positive? ------------------------------------------------ 0084 ovl_En_Ta (Talon) ROM: 0xECA4F4 - (24010003) - Talon's Reaction to Cucco ROM: 0xECA570 - (24070003) - Showing Cucco to him before awakening (Child) ROM: 0xECA614 - (24010006) - Talon's Reaction to Pocket Cucco ROM: 0xECA690 - (24070006) - Showing Pocket Cucco to him before awakening ------------------------------------------------- 0132 ovl_En_Toryo (Carpenter Boss) ROM: 0xED6494 - (2401000A) - Carpenter's Reaction to Poacher's Saw ROM: 0xED674C - (2407000A) - Showing him Poacher's Saw ------------------------------------------------- 0126 ovl_Obj_Bean (Magic Bean Spots) ROM: 0xF3E9D0 - (24010004) - Spot's Reaction to Magic Beans ROM: 0xF3EA0C - (24070004) - Preparing to plant Magic Beans ----------------------------------------------------- 0164 ovl_En_Kz (King Zora) ROM: 0xE52C80 - (2401000C) - King Zora's Reaction to Prescription ROM: 0xE53180 - (2407000C) - Showing him the Prescription ROM: 0xE52C10 - (2401001D) - King Zora's Reaction to Ruto's Letter NOTE: As with the Poe Salesman I could find no sign of a matching 001D which corresponded to the Show of Ruto's Letter. And here is the list so far, for reference... 0001 Zelda's Letter 0002 Weird Egg 0003 Cucco 0004 Magic Beans 0005 Pocket Egg 0006 Pocket Cucco 0007 Cojiro 0008 Odd Mushroom 0009 Medicine 000A Poacher's Saw 000B Broken Goron's Knife 000C Prescription 000D Eyeball Frog 000E Eyedrops 000F Claim Check -------------- 001B Poe 001C Big Poe 001D Ruto's Letter
  21. For a very, very long time this question has stumped me. "What decides how NPC's react to items?" Theories ran through my head that half of it was in Link's Actor or code.zasm and the other half in the receiving actor or that there was only a check in the Actor and that the data was dealt with differently, but I can finally say what the answer is. The NPC has both the Item Reaction and Item Check within their own files and in a heavily unexpected format... Every Icon in the game has an adjoining action that must go with it. For instance though Zelda's Letter is item 23, the action associated with it is 2B. Clearly then, to my mind, the check must be made against whether 2B is being used within the vicinity of the actor, but that was not the case. My research focused at first around the Poe Salesman, but I thought I would have better understanding if I looked at the Death Mountain Gate Guard. After weeks of frustration and little to show for my efforts it was made clear that I was not looking for a 2B value. I didn't know what I was looking for, then when looking through the guard's file I stumbled upon a 24010001 located near his text. When changed this occurred... The gate guard never ever says this, to my knowledge. He does not respond this way to any mask and makes no response to other items. So this was clearly a beta bit. In any case I knew I was on the right track, but did not know what the track was. At first I had thought this was only some internal check that failed because I still couldn't get him to react to any other item and so I ignored it, only to realize later that this 0001 was an Internal or Secondary Item Identifier. In this case 002B was being read as 0001. i had a theory that this was the case before this, but found very little to back up the theory. Then I checked in other actor situations like Talon and Grog (guy in Lost Woods) and indeed, they were checking against a 0003 and a 0007 respectively. With this knowledge I realized that event items must fall under their own index as far as the game is concerned. 0001 Zelda's Letter 0002 Weird Egg 0003 Cucco --------- 0007 Cojiro Knowing that Grog had the smallest actor (ovl_en_Hs) of those who receive items I searched his file for plain 0007 and found 3 results. One was false, the other was his internal check, but the third was the external check! I had finally cracked the code on giving NPC items! 240100XX was the internal identifier (It must be a remnant of older coding as it serves no purpose in the final game) 240700XX was the external identifier. When these two match the NPC will react to the item and portray their proper event. Expect ROM locations soon!
  22. Wow, you have done it again! It more reminds me of an expanded Southern Swamp than it does flooded Faron Woods, but it's still a feast for the eyes, keep up the great work!
  23. To my knowledge this has been a mystery that has never been solved in a clean and efficient manner. Any modder worth their salt likely knows that you cannot normally load Kokiri outside of the Kokiri Forest or Lost Woods. For many years there have been talk on how to accomplish loading them elsewhere by moving scenes, changing the scene table, etc. But each one would have been a lot more work than the simple answer turned out being. I recall john_smith_account telling me that Kokiri are loaded by scene and scene alone, and that somewhere, likely within the Kokiri actor, would be the keys to changing where they could be loaded. With that thought in mind I did a check for 0055 in the Kokiri file as 0055 is the correlation of Kokiri Forest in the scene table and found two results. I changed the first one and saw the Kokiri were no longer in the forest save Saria and Mido (their separate actor files likely contain those matters). So I thought I had finally found the answer, but I couldn't clarify because none of the available tools that have group changers work for me. This was located at E4E9D0 in ROM with a value of 24010055. So I asked Giadrosich to do the favor of checking it for me. I asked her to change the value of 0055 to 0051, take a couple of Kokiri groups and load them in Hyrule Field. (Scene Listing for Debug Rom can be found at... http://wiki.spinout182.com/w/Zelda_64_Scene_Listings:_Debug_ROM Don't Forget to Translate to Hex, they are in Numeral! 81 = 51 = Hyrule Field) To my surprise it worked flawlessly! Right above this value at E4E9B0 is 2401005B which is the scene designator for the Lost Woods, in case you want to change the Single Kokiri that shows up there to something more useful. The ideal would be to get rid of the scene designators all around, but trying a clean sweep of the data only results in freezing unfortunately. Maybe someone will be able to figure that out, but for now this will have to do. It's more than we had in the past, right? (Picture was taken by Giadrosich)
  24. I'm sure anyone would love to have such a thing! Have at it Jason and good luck!
  25. @JSA, how embarassing... I completely forgot that was the functionality within those, heh... hmm....
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