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That 1001th Person

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That 1001th Person last won the day on April 6 2013

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About That 1001th Person

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    United States

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  1. I've decided to come back for this occasion. RIP Satoru Iwata. We, as a community, will miss your influence on gaming and your connection with us gamers. It's as you have once said, "Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone!"
  2. I wish I knew about this thing before. Anyway, this thread is about the Reactive Grip. It's basically like the STEM system (you can read about it in the link, I'm too tired to explain it), but it's a haptics controller. To further explain what I mean, if you were playing some FPS like Half Life, if you pulled the trigger, you would feel the gun kick, IRL, of course. It's really cool. But, like most ambitious things, it's being funded through Kickstarter, and it also has about a day left to be funded (hence the first sentence). It's at half it's funding goal. Not like we can possibly do too much, we all have stuff to do. But I rather bring to this to your attention than let it go undiscovered. Tell me your thoughts. Sorry for half-assing this thread, like I said, I'm tired.
  3. SCHOOL. SO MUCH FUCKING SCHOOL. Literally the only reason other than not wanting to commit myself to this forum.
  4. Thank you for serving America veterans. You have my utmost respect.
  5. I LIVE IN 'MURICA SON OF BITCHEZ Sorry, what I meant is that I can buy Dr. Pepper here in America.
  6. To those who still have a vendetta against Capcom for some reason, Inafune is fine with Capcom publishing the game. Now plz stahp.
  7. Look it's Not-Megaman! Okay, I know that's not funny but I think he looks a bit too much like MegaMan. Maybe turning him green could work? I dunno. I'm a stupid grumpy-puss, I don't know what I'm talking about. I pretty sure Capcom don't care. They haven't said anything.
  8. This is by the same guy who made the real Buster Sword on that show called Man at Arms. Funny, this is what my friend's alter-ego said: I agree with him, the Master Sword, while iconic, is quite generic. It's basically a plot thing in the games it's in.
  9. I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this, but I choose the Walking Dead (don't hurt me). I just find it more enjoyable than Game of Thrones. Michael Jackson or Prince (Nelson)?
  10. Dammit. If you had actually found the alpha I wouldn't had had to follow through with my "Zelda 64" project (Z64 is not LoZ:OoT, Z64 is the beta of OoT, but not OoT). Christ, I have too much work to do. Fuck school and fuck my life.
  11. I loled so hard at this. It's fucking hilarious. Though, that last part did make sense. Seriously, no company would do that.
  12. I would go to that store, throw a book at him, and tell him to read the fifth chapter of that very book. Which one? This one.
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