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Everything posted by giadrosich

  1. It IS hard to make a good looking map, for sure. I wonder if he knows how to do anything with exits/collision ect....I noticed that he inserted it into 117, which is default. My tutorials might do more harm than good in that area. XD
  2. Is that what that jump was? I wondered what happened there, I thought he had modded it to make Link jump at anytime XD Edit: My guess is that he's just doing this for sub count. It'll die eventually. Just ignore them and they'll go away.
  3. I think I got rid of that option. But I also tried to get rid of skipping cutscenes, so it might still work.
  4. I would like that, for sure. I'm not sure who Jack Walker is though, does he have a youtube account? If I do update it, I'll update it at the same time as the music, that way we don't have a lot of patches running around. It's difficult as it is to just get it distributed with the readme file. There's copies floating around somehow with first file name glitches, and then there's copies with and without CRC fix. Releasing something to the internet has an exponential increase. It's crazy. XD
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot-waNxQoMc Proof the dog room does not freeze for everyone. And my god. The enthusiasm of this person.
  6. Welcome! I'm always interested in what people can bring to the modding community. If you have questions, ask away in the Q&A section. Be sure to go through the many tutorials and newbie help that we've set up--a lot is very useful stuff. I look forward to what your ideas are!
  7. You pay the guard to get past the gate. Talk to him a few times and he should give you the option. Always listen to Tael, if he keeps saying the same thing, then you'll want to listen to him.
  8. giadrosich

    Kinda stuck

    I've never been able to get glide to work myself, either. I think the downloads I find of it just aren't good, or I'm putting it into the folder wrong.
  9. The only thing I can think of is that you're exporting them twice...is there a reason you're editing it the second time around in blender? Something sketchup can't do? I've had maps export into SO black before, and asked Xdan about it, this is what he told me: The only other advice is check that it's version 06.
  10. Is the colour for Din's Fire just in an offset, or did you have to edit the...whatever it is...actor?...itself?
  11. That's the joke. XD You're not "actually" grown up, it's just because of the time travel weirdness. I might have worded it badly.
  12. That wasn't me, that's original MQ.
  13. Not sure why you couldn't see them....there's an answer why they become razor sword hole in the readme (which everyone forgets to read--people on youtube I mean), but as for not seeing them on real hardware, not sure. ;~; Wish I had the money for everdrive. As for hex, I used a combination of XVI32 and HxD, heavy on the XVI32 side. If I suggest one though, I would go with HxD, you can copy/paste and open multiple files with that one.
  14. I don't have any problem with it crashing when I hit start, neither do multiple people. It might depend on computer specs. If folks read the readme and follow the setting up part, they shouldn't have an issue with it either. I've had lots of people follow those instructions and have no problems.
  15. There's no temple you can get stuck on, we did thorough testing with it. There is something in Bottom of the Well you'll need though.
  16. giadrosich

    Small Questions

    Well, yeah, but I was wondering how to change the order for the scrubs. Or how to make a similar puzzle somewhere else, or are they specific scrub variables? The room I know is an actor, but I was wondering can you put that in your own map for something?
  17. giadrosich

    Small Questions

    Just some small questions about the mechanics. Mirror shield things. Is there any way to incorporate the energy storage outside of twinrova battle? Twisty hallways in forest temple. How the heck do those work? Deku scrubs that tell you the order in Deku tree. How do you change the order? Is it possible to make a bigger block puzzle for the third ghost in Forest Temple?
  18. Might be helpful for some people getting VoT to run on PJ http://pastebin.com/uKd83hCG
  19. Not my puzzles. that's all nintendo
  20. It's okay, we're all derps sometimes XD
  21. You can get into Lake Hylia as a kid without any scales. The readme goes over the issue with the silver scale. You can get golden scale as normal
  22. O.o Wha? You just go there as a kid, it's not a puzzle. The Zora's will give you hints as a kid. ...you have played OOT before, right?
  23. Just think it out logically. You know you need the stones--so next course of action would be Jabu. However, you need a few items to get into Jabu first. Find those--check around Lake Hylia and talk to NPC's there.
  24. I feel accomplished just getting a bomb hover in OOT. MM is much easier due to the way the bomb blows up. I find TP much easier to glitch. I almost got DOT skip one time. That skip is probably the main reason I thought of VoT. I thought of an idea around getting MS early. XD
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