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Posts posted by Rivan

  1. Well personally I still think it's total BS. Assuming it is 4 times more efficient, and there are 16trillion polygons worth of data and every polygon is only a single bit (which we all no is not gonna happen.) that's still 465.661287 GB. Now in order to render that all at once you need to store it in memory.I've got 3gigs ram and 1gig vram looks like I'm 461.661287 short. You can believe that this is going to be a major breakthrough coming to console systems in the near future, but it won't be for quite some time. Not to mention, as Notch stated, animations are going to be a nightmare.

  2. It looks nice, but the Hyrulian text could use some shaodw/glow to it, and maybe a less thick outline. But that's just me.


    Also, it's always wise to save a wallpaper in PNG format and not JPEG, because as you can see here, yours suffered from some artifacts(mainly around the text).


    It still looks nice, but I feel all of this would improve it.


    That "outline" is actually a glow, and I saved it in jpeg for compression purposes, if you want a higher quality image PM me and I'll pass you one, i've also edited it a bit since then.Posted Image
  3. Some people seem to think there is no such thing as a good game without graphics. This is the ignorance, and honestly just plain idocy, that makes me fear for the future of gaming.


    Let me take for example, notch. notch made a sandbox game with two features I adore. Simple down to earth graphics, and a creative nature. Minecraft didn't need fancy graphics, because the beauty of the game is in the simplicity. you can build whatever you want, live how you want and, my personal favorite, mod however you want. It's not a game about violence with enhanced bloody graphics, just a nice relaxing sandbox.

    I'd even go so far as to state that some of the best games I've played had -no- graphics, just text.

    In short, Don't bash or praise a game or it's creator based on graphical style. Because it's mechanics and inovation that make a game good, not particles of dust on the ground.

  4. Yeah it's not really based on an actual time period. If you look at the general flow of Zelda games you can indeed find parallels to our world (age of exploration, Victorian england and the advent of steam as well as a feudal period of sorts) but none of these events happen in the time-frame manner or correct order. By the time steam rolled around there was no talk of sword and legendary mysteries still being taken seriously, it was more an era of science. Zelda seems to rather blend the medieval period with the steam period. so there's no way to know exactly when what occurred. As far as we know OoT could have occurred in the year 845 AD (the year the Danes raided the Franks FYI) or in the year 4000AD due to society progressing at a slower rate.

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