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Everything posted by Zax

  1. That's ok good things take time, now I have another awesome mod to look forward to playing. Good luck with everything, I'll be checking up on Antiqua frequently.
  2. This looks really promising! Can't wait to hear more!
  3. Yes I tried testing them in game. I was hoping it would appear like you said, however I wasn't so lucky. I tried reversing faces, not reversing, individually reversing, still not sure what the problem is.
  4. Hello everyone! I'd like to add a place where fans of the MMORPG Shadowbane can: discuss, speculate on, or share any experiences they have had in the past, or to those lucky enough to be invited to closed beta, in the present. I'd really love to see screen caps from the closed beta but I encourage you to share any that you may have, closed beta or otherwise. If any one would like to share some photo's please give a small description so we know what we're looking at. Seeing as Shadowbane has been "dead" for a few years now and only recently restored, I'm not sure how many replies I will get to this topic, but I would be thrilled to see anything related to it. For any of you who don't know shadowbane but do like MMORPG's I urge you to check it out here: It is one of the most unique and in depth MMO's the internet has seen. For anyone interested you can get news on the newly revived Shadowbane here: http://shadowbaneemulator.com/ Thank you, I'm looking forward to discussing this with you all!
  5. Google Sketchup Pro 8. I reversed the face of the entire square, but I didn't reverse the face of the smaller square that I elevated. Do I have to flip those faces too? Looking down on them they appeared white like giadrosich said, I believe I even tried flipping them individually one time also but I'm not sure. Anyway..any ideas?
  6. Thank you for being supportive. I am applying the textures after using the push and pull tool. Everything appears fine through sketchup, once I open the .obj with sharp ocarina however the textures appear like this: Hope you can see, if not please tell me ill re-upload. thanks!
  7. @giadrosich (again) I don't know if anyone else is having a problem with this, but I followed your tutorial on importing custom obj. files step by step and something isn't working for me. Basically half of my textures don't show up if I use the push/pull tool in Sketchup for anything. I'm sorry to bombard you with questions, but I'm confused, and this is one of the sides of modding I'm interested in the most.
  8. Great! Thank you both I'll try the codes tonight.
  9. I'm sorry to butt in, I hope I'm not being rude but I have a question regarding Link's voice so it's somewhat on topic. Does any one know how to simply change Link's voice using hex or some other method? I'm a newbie to modding and I haven't been able to find much on the topic.
  10. Wow you are amazing! Couldn't get 6.1.1 to work for some reason but got 1.5.1 and it fixed the problem, even got my tunic's collar to match! Only thing is the Debug menu is all fuzzy haha no big deal though. Now to figure out why my custom collision models come out all screwy . P.S. No need to duck, I never would have gotten this far without you and this awesome community!
  11. Well, I successfully changed some tunic color's around using hex no trouble with those offsets but I am very new to it still. I carefully searched for navi's normal color offset and re edited it starting from the byte that is highlighted after searching just to double check, same effect. I also tried the navi color changer which did the same thing as when I tried hex which is what really confuses me since it mostly takes my novice out of the equation. I must note that what I edit does have some effects, like I said the outer ring and small sparkles change. The hex originally reads FF FF FF FF 00 00 FF I changed it to 00 00 00 FF 5C 00 5C (black and purple with 100% opacity or so I thought). This is the exact offset I'm searching for Cut and Pasted from the search window directly B8D134. *edit* Sorry, I'm trying to upload a pic like you asked but I'm crazy new to this site and I'm not sure how (I'm a noob I know)
  12. @Giadrosich, First off I would like to say thank you for these amazing tutorials, I have just successfully modified my first Rom thanks to you! I do have a quick question if you don't mind me asking and I don't believe it's been asked before, when trying to edit Navi's colors through hex I seem to be unable to change her inner body color. I tried the code you provided and the halo around the body changed and the inside of the sparkle's or whatever you want to call them when Navi comes out from your tunic, but the inner body remains the same. When changing the colors of targeted enemies I have the same problem, the circling arrows change to the color specified but Navi remains unchanged. Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
  13. Meticulously ranked: 1.Cowboy Bebop 2.FLCL 3.Samurai 7 4.Berserk 5.Ghost In The Shell 6.Full Metal Alchemist 7.Samurai Champloo 8.Afro Samurai
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