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  • Birthday 09/30/1993

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  1. Fi. As much as I hated Skyward Sword, I have to go with Fi. Navi I felt absolutely nothing for, the "guardian fairy" was just a title thrown on her to make it seem like she was worth something to the player. The "lol I'm leaving see ya" thing at the end of OoT without any explanation didn't help her either. Fi on the other hand, even though she had sort of a lame personality, at least HAD a personality. She was actually helpful too (a little too helpful, as some people have pointed out), unlike Navi, who, when I'm sitting in the Water Temple nearly losing my mind, just flits about my head.
  2. Really depends on the game for me. If it's a game that has a particularly good combat system, I'd say enemies. If the game is geared towards thinking deeply about the game (a complex story or something), then puzzles would fit that sort of game a lot better.
  3. Midna, Medli seems like she'd be way too shy to emote to Link. Not to mention Midna is with him an entire game, so they would have had plenty more time to bond than with Medli. EDIT: Also, this.
  4. I'd twin her rovas. ... That's all for me in this topic.
  5. They make the Sand Goddess's tits Hookshottable, why wouldn't they give a green old lady jiggle physics?
  6. Now imagine Ruto like that. oh god what
  7. Would this be in my eyes or Link's eyes? Because if it's in my eyes, totally Malon, omfg she's so adorable. ;~; I want to hug her forever. In Link's eyes I think Malon also, mainly because her and Link were both raised in a much more rural and... I dunno the word. Earthy? Dirty? Rustic? sort of way. Other than Malon going to the city with Talon to deliver milk, she's a country girl. Link is sort of a country boy I suppose, due to him being raised away from town and whatnot. Not to mention Ruto said in the game after the Water Temple that she couldn't give Link her love due to her becoming a Sage. EDIT: Also, this. (WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/275/6/d/malon___lon_lon_sweetheart_by_studiocutepet-d4bmzwl.jpg
  8. I picked up Fallout: New Vegas for PC a couple of days ago. But it keeps locking up when I get anywhere near Jacobstown, so I'll be returning that... Also Gun Bros 2 for my iPhone, and about a week ago I got Nintendogs for 3DS. The latter isn't very interesting though, probably because I'm old now. ;(
  9. I never really listened to ZREO, but the few songs I have heard were massively epic. Their reorchestration of the battle with Ganon in OoT was amazing, as was the one of the Royal Crypt from Minish Cap. I always thought the latter could've used a touch up, the GBA just doesn't do it justice. It's certainly sad to see them go. Especially when they haven't reorchestrated Tarm Ruins from Oracle of Seasons yet! :c
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