<p>Just a tad bit off topic if you don't mind </p><p>I think graphics play a crucial role in current gaming but are no where near the best part of gaming. Though the odds are that if you released a game with N64 graphics on 360 the sales would be low<br></p><p>another thing that annoys me is the fact people keep saying that some games (Rage Skyrim) have amazing graphics and they do but nothing new the standards for graphics hardly changed in 2011 but that was because there was no point because a large number of gamers are on consoles with limited graphics.</p><p>But what makes me happy in that sense is Skyward Sword they knew the graphical limitations of the Wii and found the best way to make the game look amazing and I wish more games would follow that.I did not come here because of Zeths texture mods I came here because I found the guys youtube by accident and saw he was doing a URA mod and wanted to follow it </p>
Anyways I hope the trailer is as awesome as you say it is! But I will love it no matter what