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Everything posted by Flotonic

  1. http://i364.photobucket.com/albums/oo89/Flotonic/IMG_06092012_160814.png
  2. The code to acquire the source code of a web page is a mere six lines, but OK. Yesterday, I was thinking about adding code to search for updates so there would be no need for this, but I am still trying to determine whether that is a good idea or not. It could substantially bulk up the file-size of the program and be a problem one way or another, but being able to alert users of bug fixes and new versions so easily makes it almost seem worth it... thoughts, anyone? I need some more opinions.
  3. You just said it was simply not possible. I don't see anything about it being not possible without a certain piece of information. I am all-for in-depth explanations. Thank you! I do not mind there being a launcher for my applications, though. The user will have to define their locations first, if that will not be a problem.
  4. Not possible? Pfft. The solution is simple. Open the contents of this URL (http://forums.maco64.com/index.php?showforum=16) as a file handle. Search for the first occurrence of "Current Version" after the first occurrence of "Hylian Toolbox." Save that to a configuration file. If it is different the next time the program runs, alert the user that Version %d is now available. I would suggest searching the topic itself, but that would make the total topic views escalate. I would add the few lines of code needed to make Hylian Toolbox check for updates (it would be only a few lines indeed), but virus detectors may go crazy because it is trying to connect to the web. It may also slow down how long it takes to launch it as well. I wasn't sure. I assumed you would distribute all of the programs in a .zip file along with what you were making. If it asks the user where the application is located the first time they try to launch that application and have it remember where it is, they would only have to locate it once and they could easily launch it any other time.
  5. I have to let you know that I do not approve of the re-release of tools that I have already released (including code that checks for the existence of some tools and says if they are missing and where to download them is a good thing to add, though; people could easily lose the other tools that are included with it). Hylian Toolbox is also undergoing more updates at this very moment, so I would also rather it not be redistributed for that reason. It would be cool if you included code that checks for updates of the programs that it launches, too.
  6. Thanks again, everyone! Being greeted by you is great!
  7. Thanks, Samurai. I'm glad you were thoroughly impressed. LOL. Here is a new replacement for Link: I think I found my favorite topic on this site.
  8. You're welcome, haddockd. Thanks, Shadow Fire! *Whispering into watch.* I have gained their trust...
  9. xdaniel Thanks, X-Daniel! It means a lot coming from a programmer such as yourself! haddockd Actually, I wrote one of those forever ago. SanguinettiMods released it for me. You can find it on his website.EDIT: If his website does not load for you, you can find the tool here: http://www.mediafire.com/?u1wqcblcb1iitv3 I wrote the command line application and he made a GUI for it in Visual Basic. ZethN64 Thanks, Zeth!
  10. Thanks, Jason777. :PThis is not a custom enemy or a custom animation, but it is still custom:
  11. Thanks, everyone! Your support means a lot!
  12. It is so cool to see Hylian Toolbox in use. Thanks for sharing! It is terrible that the actor part of actor replacing has not been figured out yet, though (which limb does damange, for example). Either way, this looks good! Here is a video I uploaded today:
  13. Hello, everyone. I would like to start over. I completely understand if there is any tension (I remember how I was), but I would really like to eliminate it if there is any. Instead of dwelling on the past, let's focus on our common goal: modding. I will try to be active, but it has been a while since I started using forums again (this is only the third one that I will be visiting), let's all keep our fingers crossed.
  14. Welcome to the place, Vexiant. BRB. Hit a vein...
  15. I have Formal Thought Disorder and that causes me to mix things around. From one conversation with me' date=' you could probably notice that if you payed enough attention.
  16. I'll quote myself and just make what I'm saying stand out a little better. I never said it was beta. I said it was leftover beta: unchanged text, along with the text still used in the game that references the Forest Temple being the Wind Temple originally as well as other things. If Nintendo forgot to change something, I would consider it not meant to be there, thus a leftover. If I have to send an email to Nintendo about this just to prove it was something they forgot to change, I will.
  17. Also, I can't help but reply to this:
  18. Will someone explain this, then? In prerelease screenshots, we saw Link meeting Sheik at the altar. That would be where he descended. In the final game, he came face-to-face with Sheik at the Pedestal of Time. Disprove that this is leftover beta.
  19. This post isn't made to hurt anyone's pride, reputation, etc. Names aren't at all listed. When I say, "the Zelda 'scene,'" I'm not singling any one "community" out. This is something that applies to all of them and something that everyone should take into consideration. Thank you. I would compare the Zelda "scene" to a group of teenage girls, talking about and spreading lies about one another. Friends are played as rivals. There is absolutely no respect. Things are done that are completely uncalled for and unnneccessary. Pointless fighting takes place. People are hurt, and their mental stability tampered with. Knowledge is death. The closest the land of Zelda hacking/modding has ever been to an actual community was when no one had the required knowledge to edit rom and only ram. As some learned more about editing OoT, others were left behind. Many with the knowledge decided to not share it with those blow them. Blood started to boil. Everything was just in the position that it needed to be in order for drama to form, and so it was. People revoked against one another. This evil took a place that was much like a community and killed it. Drama still exists in "communities" that came afterwards, and always will. It's something that is lying dormant when you think you've shaken it off, but come on. It's the Internet. There is no reason to cut down the way a person is seen on a forum (spreading rumors, lies, etc.). There is no reason to go around hacking sites. There is no reason to be spreading a person's personal information. There is no reason to be disrespectful to a person's work, what they believe, and so on. What are the advantages? A lot of people will say, "well lol i want 2 b teh most fered 1 in teh comunity." Why would you care about harrassing others in the real world, let alone the Internet? Your defense- "It's the Internet. They shouldn't make such a big deal about it." However, you're the one making a big deal about it by attacking an individual in any manner in the first place. You're the one with the issue. With all of that said, I have a question to ask. Is it THAT difficult to try to get along with those within an online community? This is the Internet, of course. There isn't a reason to be attacking someone. If someone attacks you, just report that to the administrator and have them take care of it instead of dragging it out and making a huge deal out of it. No one wants to see it. It's pointless. Who agrees? Who would like to add anything?
  20. Nice job! It's always good to see such productivity!
  21. Just my opinion, but she looks OoT-ish to me.
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