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!Tommy last won the day on December 29 2015

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About !Tommy

  • Birthday 02/26/1989

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  1. So, I'm on a bit of a kick to replace sound effects in Ocarina of Time. There's a wonderful tool called N64 Sound Tool that has been quite invaluable to me. But even with it, I cannot seem to find the system sounds. The sounds I'm talking about are like...low health, health restore, magic meter refill, all that good stuff! Has anyone ever found this? It all of this in the audiobank as well or is there a different place for these sounds? I've been trying to figure this out all night and I can't seem to yield these results. Would the audio debugger be of some help? I have the code already in but I'm not sure how to really utilize it except for playing sounds. Any help?
  2. Sounds like great news, man!! I'm so proud of you! I wish you the best of luck! As for me, I need to get a different job. I was so excited about starting this one last year but there's one person on my team who hasn't grown up past first grade level so now they're doing very vindictive things behind my back, it's stressful. But since I don't see this person very much, I don't know what she's necessarily up to unless someone tells me. It's really stupid actually.
  3. I honestly thought that the game was beautiful to begin with. Too bad I don't have a Wii U for it, otherwise I'd more than likely get the game as well. I guess for old times sake, I'll just fire up my non HD version on the Wii and give it a go.
  4. It is because it was really looking good. I only wish I could remember what the actual issues were with it. It had lots of promise because you wouldn't have the actual limitations of the OoT engine.
  5. Due to stuff lost in forum transitions, I believe some of this thread got lost and if I remember correctly, ithe project is not currently active anymore. I could be wrong but it seems to me that there were some problems that arose with development.
  6. Haha, no problem! I was into hacking Ocarina of Time but I sorta put that aside as I kind of lost interest in the game. It's still a great game but for right now, it's just not what I want to work on. Since my fiancee likes this game, I thought it would be fun to hack and make my own levels. In fact I even modified the Yellow Switch Palace to reflect my love to her via coins. But so far except for it being time consuming, I find it kind of fun because you don't have to worry about 3D models and the like. Eventually I'll probably show off other little bits of the hack as I progress through it.
  7. So, I might as well help jumpstart a thread. I picked up on Super Mario World hacking and it's actually not too hard as long as you read up on what is out there and have a little imagination. This is basically a private project that I'm working on but I thought I'd show off a bit of previews that I have done so far. Iggy's Castle Replacement Yoshi's Island 4 replacement (preview) Yoshi's Island 3 replacement I have some remixes of former Mario levels along with a few of my own creations which I actually don't have recorded. The ones recorded here have been remixed from other Mario games, see if you can figure them out. Although in Donut Plains, I want to get more creative and put a lot more of my own levels into the game.
  8. Haha, right. I think because the format itself was so different, I think that is what really killed it right there. The fact that my main monitor is still a 4:3, it was a bit squished together as well, causing a messy apperance.
  9. Haha, I know how that goes. When I was running my own forum, I still had dialup internet and vB 3.8 worked really fast on it but upgrading to 4 slowed it right down and of course back in 2010, most people did have at least broadband by then but for me, it just wasn't what I wanted to do. I used the really old version of Invision which was 1.3 so I really don't know what the backend looks like on these newer versions. Were there features that made it worth upgrading to it or was it just a new version came out so you wanted to keep the community current with the newer version?
  10. Definitely a good idea, ShadowFire! I was the same way with vBulletin. Even though 4 is widely accepted now, I didn't want to change our software from vB 3.8.7 because it was simple and easy to work with. Do you guys have an administrative forum hidden out of view? I'm assuming you do but that's something we did so when we had something to discuss, we could do it easily and openly with the staff without regular members seeing it or messing with the private messaging system.
  11. ShadowFire, does IPB give you the option to send out a mass email like it used to? It might be a cool thing to send out a newsletter informing people of the change back and also if there is any other suggestions they have, that you're open to ideas. I noticed doing that helps bring back some of the people that used to follow the boards and since a lot of them may have been offput by the upgrade, informing them in more ways than one might help jumpstart activity again.
  12. I like this! And I agree on the theme as well, the last one we had before the switchover actually was pretty badass if I do say so myself.
  13. I hope it's not BS either, this would be something so fantastic for the Zelda community.
  14. This is not good, great, or anything of the like. This is a frickin MASTERPIECE! Do not let this project die! I haven't been this impressed in quite some time and is starting to respark my interest in the OoT game. Fantastic work! It is very apparent a lot of care and work has gone into this.
  15. I actually had a Commadore 64 that I picked up at a garage sale for $5 but unfortunately it was very useless to me because it didn't have anything with it and at the time I didn't know as much about computers as I do now so I ended up just giving it away. But this sounds like quite an amazing find and the fact you have other things to pair along with it, maybe you could have some fun with it!
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