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Everything posted by Porto881

  1. Dude, Spire, you are just off the charts with these o_O (in a good way)
  2. They took Spongebob off of the instant thingy WHILE I WAS WATCHING IT. I was so mad I had to post about it. Okay bye.
  3. That's too dangerous! What if you're tuning a string and it snaps and slices open your jugular and sprays your blood all over everything? I'm gonna make a plushie.
  4. Doodle of an old character, instead of doing all the art I said I'd do for people ;_;
  5. That's too dangerous! What if you pass out randomly and the pencil you're writing with pierces through your eyeball and into your brain? I'm gonna look at cat pictures on the internet.
  6. I hope it all goes well, I would absolutely love to speedrun something like this.
  7. Nobody is. Just because it's happened before doesn't mean we can't discuss the ethical implications of this particular case. Nintendo is closer to our hearts than other companies, after all (at least for me).
  8. Ethically, no I don't think Nintendo has any right to that money. Games are art, which means at the end of the day, Nintendo is a corporation of artists. So I think of it like this: if an artist paints a picture, you can look at it all you want for free, but if you want to own the painting, you have to pay. So why should Nintendo get money just from me looking at their art? Seems like sort of a greedy dick move to me. I also question sometimes whether the LP-ers themselves have any right to money. You could equate LP-ers to movie critics, who get paid all the time just for their stupid opinion, but there's still a difference. LP-ers often showcase the entirety of a game. That would be like a movie critic posting a video of himself watching a movie and commentating on the entirety of it. But then again, movies are different than games. I don't know. It's a very grey area. At the end of the day, however, it comes down to greed (which I think we all know by now). These people are artists who got lost in the money. If you do what you love and do it with passion, the money will come. But if you make it the most important aspect, you lose sight of what's important. I think that's what's happening to Nintendo. They're forgetting how to be artists. I hope this makes sense, I'm kinda tired right now.
  9. Emo doodle between a bunch of things: I used to co-host a webcomic that I'd draw in that style. My writer was a douche, but at least it was good practice ~(._.)~
  10. If it's a fan game, I'd expect nothing less than the darkest, craziest, most in-depth story the franchise has ever seen. As far as things I'd like to see... an entirely new roster of items would be cool, though difficult to make. And I'd like it to be as sidequest heavy as it is main plot heavy. A side quest on the scale of Kafei/Anju or bigger would be welcome as well. And it would be great if it didn't take place in Hyrule or anywhere else we've seen so far. And of course, it'd be nice to change the normal gameplay up a little bit. Hopping from dungeon to dungeon gets a little stale. Gets me thinking.... what if someone made a dungeon-less mod? o_O
  11. I had no problems until I tried to change my password. It kept telling me my current password was incorrect. Logged out and had the same problem. I tried about 20 times before I had to get it reset with a temporary password through email and all that. Not sure if it was just me being stupid or if it maybe had something to do with this, but I felt I should share just in case.
  12. Why didn't anyone tell me there was a lemon party in the drawing thread? Also, I made myself a new wallpaper:
  13. what you can do about the chicken pot pie thing is maybe get those Pillsbury crescent rolls and unroll em, stuff everything inside, and roll em back up.
  14. Porto881


    I really like that guy Hootie from Hootie and the Blowfish. Also Gnarls Barkley is the man, so is that guy Pink from Pink Floyd.
  15. My parents used to make something they called goulash (even though it's not actual goulash), which is essentially just white rice, canned veggies (I use corn, peas, and extra green green beans), and ground beef with some basic spices (pepper, season salt and garlic salt for the meat, regular salt and/or butter to taste). I use ground turkey as a (slightly) healthier and (somewhat) less expensive alternative, but you can use chicken too if you want. Tastes pretty good and it's somewhat healthy. If you get a little extra cash, you can always swap the canned stuff for fresh or organic and the white rice for long grain brown rice for some extra healthy num nums. Serves a lot too, I make it once and it lasts for like 2 days at 2 meals a day.
  16. Porto881

    This or That?

    Black and blue, sexier color scheme. Pokemon Red or Blue?
  17. http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/08/killswitch.html
  18. Ah yeah I've done digital watercolors a few times, like here http://adriankendall.daportfolio.com/gallery/803829#14 They're fun to work with! Do you use Sai or PS or what?
  19. Pardon my language, but shit bitch your style is baller. Is that watercolor?
  20. Well, it's all about practice. I think I just got lucky as far as pixel art, but it probably also has to do with me doing regular 2D stuff for so long... so regardless, I guess it's all about time and practice! Anyway, thank you :b I see the couple of jagged areas you're talking about. I don't like changing my finished works, but it's definitely something to keep in mind when I do my next iso (probably the entrance to the Forest Temple :0 ). Also, I admittedly got really lazy with the character sprites in this... I'm usually good with char. sprites, but I had been working like 4 days on it already and I was tired xD
  21. A little blurry, but nice :b What would be really cool is if you redrew it using the colors in the negative, I think <3 Also, who would steal an art binder? Haha, seems so weird to me, but people are strange.
  22. ;A; oh gosh Manbuilt, those are so cute <3 the top one is my favorite. I'm sure it would sell on Etsy or something!
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