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Everything posted by Porto881

  1. Thank you very much! I hate to say this because it probably makes me seem stuck up as hell, but not very long at all :s especially compared to how long I've been doing 2D art in general. My first pixel anything is from about 5 or 6 months ago, and it wasn't until like 2 or 3 months ago that I did a full piece. But I guess I have a knack for it...? The tiny bit of pixel art I've done has gotten me 3 game art jobs so far, so I'm not complaining! x)
  2. No problem, I just offered because I'd feel like a jerk if I didn't xD But I hate getting help personally, so I understand 100%
  3. Well, whatever you do, don't stop practicing <3 Also, if you ever want some art advice/help, feel free to PM me. I'm not the best, but I've been drawing for a really really long time so I'm sure I could help you somehow :b
  4. Hm, well I don't want to tell you to change your process if it's what you enjoy doing, but you should try to get into the habit of starting your drawings as rough concept sketches, as I (and most people, I guess) believe that will get you the best final results. But! if you like what you do, go for it :b Guidelines help as well, and they can become pretty second nature to you if you do some studies and stuff. Again, however, you're free to do what you want. That's why it's called art after all, right? :b Also I understand the whole thing about not being as good as you used to be. I've drawn all my life, but for about a year in high school, I pretty much stopped altogether. Then, senior year, I got into the AP art class thinking I was still hot shit, and I ended up getting a measly 2 on the exam ;_; It's taken me about a year and a half of constant practice to finally get back the skill I lost and actually make some progress, but I regret stopping for that little time I did. I would be leagues ahead if I didn't. I blame public school :b Sorry, kinda ranting there, haha.
  5. Oh, haha, you forgot the 't' in the name in your first post, so I copy/pasted it wrong x) I found you. You have a lot of potential as an artist! Also, I've never heard of Benbrook, had to google it :b
  6. Hi, I just joined like 2 days ago, but I'm trying to be active since I like the community a lot so far, so welcome c: I looked you up on DA, but couldn't find you. I'm at porto881.deviantart.com, so if you feel like finding me message me or something so I can find you :b Also, where in Texas are you? I'm about to move to Austin so I'm just curious :0
  7. Thanks Bobbo. You've got some interesting art as well x)
  8. I have no idea, I wll see about it. I had started to think I had lost my touch, then I was requested to draw something for someone, and after crumbling a few pages drawn on using the same led pencil I switched to ink pen. Needless to say I still got it I can assume the style you're going for is pretty clean and precise and line-oriented, yeah? You'll want to stick to ink pen then, reserve your pencil for initial sketches and concept art (and realism if you're into that sort of thing :b ) Those look real nice! A little tip for some instant improvement: darken your shadows. A little more contrast would really make these pop Sorry, hope you don't mind a little constructive criticism :0
  9. Well, I'm glad it was good for something! I think one of the best compliments an artist can get is that they've inspired someone, so thank you <3 I hope to see your work soon
  10. What size pencil are you using, Heavy? You may want to switch to a larger lead size like .09 or something
  11. I think food can be art, definitely :b I'd love to see your plushies! I just started making them (only made like 4) so I'm looking for tips and inspiration wherever I can find it Thank you so much <3
  12. http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/snap_your_shit.-swf had an interesting skype sesh with my friend Danny this morning... Edit: whoa, didn't realize it would play in the thread... copy/paste and get rid of the - before .swf to see it
  13. He's one of my favorites too, that's why I made him <3 and I'm so glad you like him, thanks c: I'm gonna make another that will probably be better, when I do I'll tell you :b He's only like $20.00 including shipping... which is pretty good considering how much people usually sell plushies for O_o
  14. I second this notion. Oh you guys.... you're too kind, I can't handle it x)
  15. Oh gosh, thank you so much for saying that I'll try to bring as much as I can to you fantastic people <3
  16. Thank you, I'm glad you think my work is good ^v^ And I'm enjoying it so far. Everyone seems cool and there's some really helpful info!
  17. Thanks! I don't really even know the first thing about actual programming (though I plan to learn), so that shouldn't be a problem :b I'll stick with the tools. You're very welcome! If you have any questions, any at all, just send me a message and I would be glad to help! Or really, help with anything else. Thank you! I'm probably gonna need quite a bit of help getting a handle on all the different Zelda modding programs, so once I get through everything in the help sections I might message you, haha :b
  18. Wow, so much friendliness already c: Thanks, glad you like my stuff! I've actually thought of doing textures and all that, so I'll be looking into it. And thanks for the pointers Hi! Welcome to the GCN! Pokemon has a lot of easily available tools and information on modding and such. You should give it a shot it's not all that bad Yeah I've messed around with some of the pokemon hacking tools in the past... they seem very straightforward, which is nice :b Thank you, I appreciate it! Thanks! I actually played Voyager and it inspired me to get back into the modding stuff, so thanks a bunch! I'm just now getting into the OOT hacking scene, and I'm pretty noobish, but I'm learning and I might be able to help. PM me anytime, Nice art by the way, I have a little skill in drawing myself, but I don't know how to do anything art related on the computer. Cool, I'll get all my stuff planned out and then I'll message you eventually. And thanks, I'm glad you like my drawings c: computer stuff is basically all I do, so it just takes practice. Thank you very much! :') You've all been so kind so far.
  19. H-hi, I just joined and they said I could post art here.... Here's a random thing: And two more (even though the hand is wrong on the first one xl): Okay that's all I'll show... here's my website for more I guess: http://porto881.tumblr.com/tagged/art Also how do you use spoilers? I hate taking up all this space... hope you guys like em at least c:
  20. Oh cool, a whole thread for pixel art Here's an original: And here's one of the OoT isometrics I did: I'd show more but these are already kinda big.... sorry! I'm just a bit proud of them, haha x)
  21. Thanks a lot, it seems like a cool place to be! Yeah I think if I ever get my OoT mod done I'll go backwards a little and maybe mod an oldschool Pokemon game. I've had this cool idea for a sort of creepypasta version of Yellow for a while xb
  22. hey all you people, won't you listen to meeeeeeee. (I hope to god at least a couple people get this, if not, oops) Welp, I'm Adrian, but you can call me Porto if you want. My interest in modding came about all the way back in like 2006 or whatever when I discovered like ZSO and all that junk. I always thought it was such a huge shame that there were so many cool attempts at OoT mods that just kinda petered out. Anyway, I tried modding myself back then, but I was like 13 and stupid so I didn't understand how to do it. Now that some time has passed and some intelligence has been gained and there's a couple more programs and tutorials available, I... still don't totally get it. Which is why I'm here! I have a great (I think) idea for a full OoT mod and I'd love to learn how to make it happen! So I'll be poking around trying to figure out the tools of the trade... if you feel like helping me out or you want to ask me about what I have in mind, feel free ~(._.)~ Or you can talk to me about something else, I guess. That's mostly it. Oh, and when I'm not doing any of this junk I do the arts. I'm not amazing, but you can check out my stuff anyway if you want: http://porto881.tumblr.com/tagged/art http://porto881.deviantart.com/ Thanks for your time, if you read this. Hope to see you guys around and maybe make some buddies :0
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