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Riz last won the day on October 23 2013

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About Riz

  • Birthday December 2

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  1. .....Initial D.... :D

  2. Kusai and some other of our friends can tell you I am a sucker for originality. It's one of the issues I've been having with alot of games that have come out lately is being that they are doing the same thing over and over again. I merely don't want you getting a drive to do this project and going into it knowing that you have to match upto what Zeth left behind. Going into your own project and spinning it round OOT puts you first off away from Zeth cause you're not standing in his mold. And honestly I view OOT as the superior game to do it for not because I happen to like OOT more then MM or whatever. It's because OOT is the more open ended of the game. MM you were pretty much rushed to do everything within a timespan of three days. OOT you could take as long as you wanted. So yeah go do it for OOT. I may not log in much(If at all) but I do skim the forum and keep a eye on things.
  3. Been a member since may of this year and only have two posts...God I need to get rid of my life...aaannnnyyywwaaaayyysss.. As I said you just need to let the URA project die. I'm usually right with my predictions and all it is gonna do is stir up a CF. So to protect yourself and others from the endless drama that comes with anything Zelda related(I can same the same for anything Sonic related) go find yourself something else to do. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you here. Zeth when he started he had the drive and the ambition to do this project. But that all left him and we know the outcome of that. Do you really think you can take up the mantle of a project as big as URA was?
  4. OR ...or..Now hang with me here on this one.. You can let the Ura Project be like the Cd-I games and be nothing more then a damn nightmare that everybody just wants to forget including Zeth. On top of the fact of how much legality is actually being broken by even attempting to do a Zelda project like this.(Not like Nintendo cares I mean look at PETA's stupid attempts) You pretty much and it'd be in best interest for you to rebuild EVERYTHING from the ground up not rely on other people's stuff cause then that just makes you look like an idiot who'd rather use other people's stuff then make his/her own. Unless you have no problems living within Zeth's shadow.
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