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Posts posted by AikoRikiDaichi

  1. I have been getting some new ideas lately and since my friends got me into Zelda again my mind hasbeen focused around that solely. We all know URA Zelda will never see the light of day, so don't assume this is about Ura because it isn't. I do want there to be a new Zelda rom though, so I will be going through the ideas I have and see which one becomes the best possible to make into a rom for you. Of course this will take time so be patient. If you want to know the progress just reply to the topic or send me a friendly message.





  2. Chapter 2: The Power Within

    Once Aiko awoke he knew it was the weekend, and that gave him the perfect opprotunity for training. He immediately got out of bed and got ready for his day. Eating breakfast, getting groomed etc., He even had a smirk on his face and he barely smiled at all. "Now it is time to train, and I know the perfect spot. Near a friends house there is a huge field that goes on for a few miles. No one will be able to see us because of the dense forest around it." Making his departure he told his mother and father he was only going to hang out with a friend, even though he was doing something completely different. Once at the field he stood in the center. "What's the first step?" "You are going to want to concentrate and have the power flow throughout your body, but not too fast or you will injure yourself greatly. This will allow us to be in my original form. A transformation for you." With a nod Aiko would have a serious look on his face, concentrating he would close his eyes and summon power little by little to flow within him. He would soon open his eyes as they flashed to a pure blood red color and a dark aura flowed around him. Making a swift movement with his arms as if he was in an anime, the aura would grow bigger and his appearance would change. His hair, skin. and clothing would all be pitch black as the night. His outfit would be that of a karate gi, his mouth was not shown, and he would be barefoot. The aura quickly faded away and our hero looked to the side and took a few steps forward. "Let's see what these powers are all about..." Placing his hand out in front of him he would concentrate a bit and shoot off a blast of pure energy at a tree. The tree and a couple others behind it got a hole blasted through them and were knocked down. He liked the way this was turning out and deciced to test out some more powers and abilities. From martial arts to flying in the sky and using supreme strength. Yet he was not unstopable, everyone has their weakness and their rivals. Noticing a stare from the dense forest Unknown would look with his usual mysterious expression. "Who are you..." yet this figure did not reply, he or she simply vanished quickly without a trace. Our hero decided to change back into his human form and head home before he would get into a fight for he still was not ready. While arriving home he quickly stopped by the little corner store to get a quick drink and continue on his way. His cell rang and he noticed his friend Mayonaka was calling him. He answered "We have some interesting things to talk about man, you are going to like this."

  3. Chapter 1: The Quest Begins

    Awaking within the shadows he held his head, feeling a bit dizzy our hero sat up. "Damn, why do I feel so light headed and dizzy... no matter, I must find the human that I need to fuse with. I have spent too long in the shadows." Lurking around our hero would scan each human he passed to see if the description matched what a human version of himself would look like. After hours of wandering and searching he found him, A 17 year old male named Aiko. Both were outside alone, Aiko was just about to head in when he looked over to a dark alley to see something red. He did not know what it was, so his curiosity got the better of him. When getting closer it was revealed not to be something, but someone looking at him with pure blood red eyes. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing." "I am here to speak with you, it is of importance and everyone's lives are at risk. I must show you the visions that are within the prophecy." As Unknown went to reach out his hand and touch AIko's forehead, Aiko would step back and pull out his pocket knife. "Give me one reason why I should even believe you, as far as I am concerned you are tresspassing." Unknown nodded and out his hand on Aiko's forehead to show him the fate of his home planet. As all memories of Unknown played as visions in aIko's head he began to understand. "That is why I have to fuse with you, the prophecy must be fufilled and that warlord must be stopped. Will you trust me and take the risk?" "If it's part of some prophecy then yeah. I have to protect the ones I care about too. Let's do this." With a nod and slight hesitation Aiko stepped forward as Unknown spoke in his home language. Once he finished shadows would surround Aiko as Unknown traveled through and became one with him. Feeling the surge of power Aiko grinned a bit. "Since we are now one, we have to test out the abilities you can give me. I suggest we rest for today and begin tomorrow. I am just lucky no one saw this" Our hero would now walk home and quickly go into his room, checking his appearance in the mirrior everything seemed to have been the same. He was confused by why he didn't look any different, but knew that he was now one with this strange being. For now he lied down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling beginning to day dream. "Do you know of a secret location of where we could do some training Aiko?" Aiko noticed that they could talk through mind, being one being in body they were still separated with their mind. Only some memories transfered between the two. "I will try to find a place, I believe I know where we can not be bothered by anyone, but it is a bit tricky to get there." Time passed and our hero fell asleep, dreaming of what would be the training they would endure tomorrow. In his sleep an igsignia started to form on the right side of his shirt and chest. This would be what symbolized Unknown and where his second heart would be.

  4. Prolouge: Backstory info

    This is the tale of a hero, not the ordinary hero you and I would think about. This supernatural being comes from a different dimension. Let us get into the story shall we? Strong winds were blowing on the planter Kasein, troops stood around the village ready to defend themselves against the tyrants under the orders from the warlord Shunji. The sky got dark and the wildlife around would start to fade and die from the dark presence of the warlord. His troops drew near outnumbering the entire village. The prophet son was  young at the time and his parents had still yet to name him. His father being leader of the village opened up a time gate and sent his son to a different world to make sure the prophecy wou;d come true. The prophecy that a legendary warrior would stop this warlord once and for all. The troops went into battle and soon the village fell to defeat and was destroyed. Shunji called back his troops after slaughtering everyone in the village. They would make their way to the airships to travel to more planets looking for the prophet to destroy him. Before they departed too far Shunji would destroy the planet and take it's life essence to fuel his own power, just like the many other planets he has destroyed. This starts the tale of a new hero, the hero that is Unknown.

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