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About Bonk

  • Birthday 10/20/1997

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    United States
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  1. This project seems like it could get promising, so you can count me in as a follower.
  2. Personally, I found little difference in the case of Skyward Sword. But with most games, clarity greatly improved, colors were more vivid, but the overall picture quality was only a little better on a large TV. In the case of smaller TV's, the difference is indeed noticeable. By the way, I personally use first party cables.
  3. So, this year, with the recent revealing of the official timeline, I've decided to play all 16 major Zelda titles in chronological order. So far, I've only gotten through Skyward Sword. Next up are Minish Cap and Four Swords, both of which are pretty short. But afterwards, I will be replaying Ocarina of Time for the 10 millionth time. It has recently come to my attention that Djipi, a texture modder famous for his OOT Cel-Shaded pack, has updated his pack and released a complete Majora's Mask pack. I also own Ocarina of Time 3D. Should I play through his texture pack, on an HDTV, or should I go through the 3DS version once more? Please leave your opinion by selecting an option in the poll. If you are compelled to, discuss your reasoning below.
  4. Bonk

    Really BIG News

    I guess this is as good as it gets?
  5. I'm 13! Back when I first joined, I was 11. (As in, the old days). EDIT: Good thing this isn't 4chan!
  6. That's right; I just finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I am considering watching the original again, but I've heard from most that brotherhood is better. I'm here to ask you guys what you think; which is better, the original or Brotherhood?
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