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Princess Eevee

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Everything posted by Princess Eevee

  1. I'm finally back! I've been taking what they call a summer vacation!

  2. Be whatever you want to be. You could be a member of GCN. Oh wait...

  3. Me and my brother we staying up last night using up our last few minutes of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. That's how I got my first AC:CF visitor. I didn't want to ever do it again though. I forgot my password for AnimalCrossing.com, and it was to hard for our stupid computers.
  4. Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection was shut down May 20th. It was really fun for everyone on AC:CF and Mario Kart Wii to play with us. But soon we'll get new games that we can use to play with anyone all around the world. I'll never forget the good times I had.
  5. Younger, being. and for older, having. Have you seen children these days? Rotting their brains with that Dora crap, and L4D. I would like to have someone already grown up and sophisticated. umbreon, or espeon?
  6. Everybody has a reason for being born. What is your reason for being born, you ask? Well, you'll just have to figure it out.

  7. Well I know, or else I wouldn't say "she was having fun or something."
  8. Umm... I think it was Yoohoo, but wateva. Everybody I know wonders that. Great Mod btw, except it was kinda hard to find the sword. The hole, as well as other 2d objects on the ground, glich up a lot and seem like there's nothing there. But, by looking at it closer, I was able to find it. (After checking.) Ok, so it's yahoo, but maybe it was a typo or she was having fun or something. Why would Nintendo put Yahoo! in OOT? The world is strange... :/
  9. KITTENS!!! SO FLUFFY AND CUTE!!! OMG KITTENS!!! YAY!!! Ahem... Excuse me. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
  10. Ok I'm a little late to this party, but I must ask, why does Saria say Google?
  11. If there's something right to do, do it! :D

  12. Elaborate. I like a good challenge. Good or evil?
  13. This is a game I made up where we add anything to one sentence to build a never-ending story. For example, "I stare at a girl, wondering if she likes me." Then someone else replies "but all of a sudden, a kidnapper snatches her up!" And it adds more and more to the story. You can use anything you want except for cuss words. I'm a kind-hearted girl and that language is not permitted in my house. otherwise I don't care. Let's start! "I was at my dinner table eating a yummy nummy samich!
  14. Earn you wings by doing many things. What wings have you earned?

  15. *weeeeeew! Crash!* sorry my 100 ton weight crushed everything. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (Sorry my image won't load.)
  16. Let it go. It's so awesome! So what if it's Disney?
  17. Thanks Tommy! Feel free to vote on my polls, joke about fruit loops, or any of that stuff!
  18. The day was sunny and warm, and I was about to move into Littleroot town for my first Pokémon from Prof. Birch. He had told me that he made a special Pokéball that makes Pokémon talk. I was so excited! I finally arrived at Littleroot in the back of the moving truck. I went to talk to the prof., when I heard someone screaming like a little girl. It was the prof.! I grabbed a Pokéball, closed my eyes, and threw it. When I did, I heard a voice saying, "Finally! I haven't battled in AGES!" I have just released the first talking Mudkip from a Pokéball! I acted normal. I didn't want to shower the Mudkip in questions. I just wanted to defeat the Pokémon that harmed Prof. Birch. When I did, the prof. gave me the talking Mudkip as a gift for saving him. We were very close friends then. Closer than PB&J. Closer than Finn and Jake. Even closer than Ash and Pikachu.
  19. The sims. Mario people in Zelda's world, or Zelda people in Mario's world?
  20. I like a mix of both classic and advanced by Nintendo. What's your opinion?
  21. The answers to life's biggest questions are your answers. What will you do?

  22. Awesome, Nets! I hope there's Fruit Loops!
  23. Hello there. I am new here and I would like to know who the people here are. My name is Princess Eevee, and I started yesterday. I am a big fan of Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda.
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