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  1. RT @Stephen_Georg: Reminder that the level slider emoji is *not* the cross emoji. ✝️ is Jesus has risen, 🎚 is Jesus has risen the volume.

  2. Clone Hero FC - Cool Patrol (NinjaSexParty): https://t.co/elqdPL1584 via @YouTube

  3. @Proton_Jon I think Reznor has changed a little since his appearance in Super Mario World. https://t.co/BDL8btlAXa

  4. @Streetspe3d717 So, it's not much of a mod, but it's somewhere to start. I love it. Great for seeing deer at night. https://t.co/IiMOnw7Tnh

  5. https://t.co/78TnAhUHuq @brentalfloss you might enjoy this. It takes a lot of effort to make the, and I think they nailed it

  6. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/JJyTZx7dAV Hyrule Field Theme - Dubstep [ dj-Jo Remix ]

  7. Yo! So stuff is gonna prevent me from playing FNaFB tonight! That's been rescheduled to whenever I feel like it.… https://t.co/yffJgJJezp

  8. I do plan on livestreaming either today or tomorrow. I'll post a livestream notice both here and on YouTube, so keep your eyes peeled

  9. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/it9SHbq3UM GTA 5 Online Funny Moments Gameplay 4 - News Report, Planes, Car Sticky

  10. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/GpUnIbnMU2 World of Tanks - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 46

  11. I might do a little bit of work on the scenes that are in the engine so far. Namely, since this is a recreation of the Zelda64 engine in Unity, I'll set up framerate limitations. Don't know how much work I'll be able to do on this alone though. I'm personally terrible at programming. I just sorta bodge everything together. Edit: I also forgot to mention that I'll be making a clone of their repository. Any changes I personally make will be made to my cloned version, and the README.md file will simply be used to keep tracks of the changes that are made every time I update my repository.
  12. I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/KIGedpe3QY World of Tanks - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  13. Welp, @Spotify is drunk. LOL ------- @SpotifyUSA Why is it always the web player? Why never the program? :Phttps://t.co/1fpv2Z5R4y

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