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Everything posted by z64online2.21

  1. I can't seem to get my SO to show any graphics. I'll load a collision and non-collision map and nothing shows up. I'll usually get Unhandled exception index out of range must be non-negative. I know you recommend using an .obj file via Sketchup Pro? but I think it may be bc i'm using Sketchup8 and a plugin. even then I still am confused why the current map importer I'm using H.T. can utilize this difference and SO won't. Why is that? (forgive my impeding arrogance)
  2. This is purely epic. I hope to see more of this epic-ness
  3. MapA: I'm using offset 0x286B000 scene 84 (Zora's River) for mapA EXIT:: 009C ((actors withing this map include: trees, bush/shrub, cow and horse)) offset 0x2E68000 scene 39 (house of twins) for mapB EXIT:: 00EA ((actors for this map are: flame)) my problem is: individually the maps work but they won't transition to and from one another. i had success using the offset and scene# from kokiri to sacred forest meadow but with different maps. i don't see why not they are not working. Doors will load but lock up the game after i get through and in between the transition between scenes. Using door before a collision exit, not using door to transition between rooms in the same scene
  4. The actors are now loaded. oddly the game locks up when I press "A" to enter the door. so strange *sigh
  5. I'm using Hylian Toolbox. HT has that feature i think, by turning off the map skies...but it's still not working
  6. I'm not sure why this is occurring, but for some reasons lifting door actors are not appearing in my custom map. This map is written over the fire temple: offset 2213000, scene 4 I'm using: 002E 00BF obj:0002 Now it doesn't work. I used this offset and scene bc it's one area that has the key counter. BUT when I use a NON dungeon offset and scene...the same actor SHOWS UP. can someone explain why this might be happening? my goal is to try to get those actors to work USING a key counter I don't know how to get the key counter working that's why i used dungeon scenes
  7. I know this sounds strange but for some reason when I create an instrument set, I get the first instrument playing for ALL the tracks in game. I'm not sure why it's doing this or what I may be doing wrong. instrument data is found under the 15 header correct? as far as look up and knowing what to look for or changing anything after that, I have not the slightest clue what to do after the 15 header lookup
  8. yes that is true. i'm just trying to grasp/comprehend all this information...it has me still quite baffled to be honest. like how you said to think of it in a multi-step process...here i was just thinking i just need to make exits and voila it should work. or how to even read a scene header. does the same hold true w/ custom offset numbers? err.. if i'm overwriting a scene with a new unused scene like lets say i write 35D0000 over scene 85 kokiri? 288D000... the offset 288D000 still would exist? but why if i'm writing it over? and why does it crash if insert a custom map using an already in game offset number, rather than one that is empty? sorry for dribbling off do i still use the exit spawn values in the scene i'm replacing?? i'm confusing myself how did you manage to learn and understand this...to even dissect and navigate through all this?????
  9. I need to go Gung-Ho on this ASAP. This is all new info to my understanding of it. AHH but this bears to question more complex issues more in regarding custom exits. There's so much!! It's just learning to read and understand whats what is key... *noob problems*
  10. I'd like to check it out, and possibly assist? Where can I find it?
  11. I think I'm experiencing the same problem using Hylian Toolbox. The only time, though, I got my maps to work was when I used a flat square plane for both maps, and had only 1 actor. Even with the same numeric values my complex maps don't load. works fine individually. transitioning though... nope.
  12. oh how I wish it wasn't so expensive!!! (MM + the 3DS or whatever)
  13. I've found that, in order to rid those white outline edges, you need to color the opposite untextured face with...the correlating texture. OR erase extra triangles that were formed when altering a structure. It's a rather...minute fix, and may add more time, but is a subtle way to make your maps cleaner. IF you want to do that. unless you do know that, then my comment is irrelevant. if you do this, be wary what program you are using. it may make programs like HT a little challenging bc it will not allow you to see behind textured surfaces. --interesting project overall, as well as concepts
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