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Okami Takahashi

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Everything posted by Okami Takahashi

  1. I've got a few old screenshots to show off, all random ones. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif This one's from the game I usually do work on, Trainz 2009. This is a personal retexture of an LNER A4 to resemble "Bittern" as she was running before her recent overhaul, where she assumed the guise of late class member "Dominion of New Zealand." I (rarely) use MikuMikuDance, since I know very little about animating in said program, but I did manage to pose Luka (my fave Vocaloid ) Team Fortress 2. Best game I've ever played, and the only shooter I can enjoy without fraging (other than Halo with friends.) "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum." I WOULD post another Trainz screenshot of mine, however, I'm not really sure if I should, as it revolves around my childhood and I'd prefer not to get flamed.
  2. Never seen the original, only started watching Brotherhood fairly recently, like, around episode 30. I quite like it.
  3. Thank you for the positive feedback, fellas, it means a lot, really. I do plan on doing at least one piece from Adventure of Link, probably the Hyrule Temple themes heard in Melee and Brawl. Sage of Mirrors, here is your Windfall Island: I may throw in some Fire Emblem music in here too, despite it not being my kind of game (blame Smash Bros for making me want to do Fire Emblem music). I've already done Marth's victory theme, I might do the main theme or Together We Ride soon. What do you guys think?
  4. I'mma likin the new look fellas, well done. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  5. There isn't a midi arrangement of Syrup's theme on VGMusic, which is where I get my midis, however I can do the Wind and Earth God's melodies. Edit: Both are up now. I apologise for the low volume at the beginning. Editing these was a bit different, and the volume didn't seem to go up much.
  6. Okie dokie, since I couldn't use the midis I found for the OoT Rom, I looked for another way to use the OoT instruments on such midis, and sure enough I found one. By using Synthfont, I replaced the instruments in various midi files of Legend of Zelda Themes with the OoT Soundfont (which I found elsewhere on this forum). I've always wondered how Queen Rutela's version of the Serenade of Water would sound with Ocarina's instruments since Twilight Princess was released in 2006, so after 5 years, I finally did something about it. The background strings were from a separately edited midi file of the OoT version of the song, then chopped up and synced with the main midi used in Sony Vegas: This is my first time trying something like this out, so please let me know what you think. If you have any suggestions or ideas, I'm open to them. All the midis used came from VGmusic.
  7. Very interesting to read. You guys might find this interesting too: http://www.zeldadungeon.net/2011/08/ask-sam-interviews-return-to-zeldapower/
  8. He has access to... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!!!! ...hammerspace!
  9. Okami Takahashi is the name of a character from a crappy fiction series inspired by OoT and Jak II (I gave him similar powers). I wrote this starting in Jr. High, and though I've since abandoned writing his fan fiction series, I still cling to this character, mainly because I based him upon myself, his personality being more or less a reflection of my own. And his scar. His facial scar is my own, albeit much larger, thicker and noticable. In his early stages of development, which was around the time Wind Waker was released (I hadn't a GCN at the time, so I was stuck with Ocarina of Time), I imagined him modelled in OoT style, in an map based around my house (a pretty wooded place with a large bog, a pond and many dirt paths, blah blah blah.) If I ever had any hacking and modelling skills like Zeth and his team, I'd make that vision a reality and create a game based on his first adventure. The image you see of him in my Avatar is not what he actually looks like, I just did that on an anime face maker. I've got a rough sketch of him right here: And a frontal view of his head. Rarely done due to the fact that I designed his hairstyle in a 3/4's view, so it's a bit tricky to imagine how it looks in the front. I can't draw bodies for beans.
  10. Thanks, this is my first time trying out this kind of thing, so it may take me a bit to figure out.
  11. I've been wondering the same thing, sort of. I found this midi of Rutela's theme from TP, and the way this midi was done was to sound like the Harp and Ocarina from OoT. Is there a way to port this midi into the OoT rom for use? I would love to hear it with the actual OoT soundfont or whatever that's called.
  12. Ah, I remember you from the old forums too, and I just saw your video of porting Outset Island to Ocarina of Time! Never knew it was possible!
  13. Oh dear, somehow when I was making my introductory thread, it made two of them! My apologies, forum staff, could this thread be locked or deleted?
  14. I was previously a member of the Stone Tower forums, also known as Okami Takahashi, I think. I came to this place after finding that Zeth had returned to Youtube, and hearing about his URA Zelda project. I find these projects of his and others to be quite interesting, and hope to learn a few things here and there too. So...that's me.
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