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Everything posted by Destroyer4292

  1. *Phantoms stop fighting and notice Ganon* SOLDIERS!! THE GREAT KING GANON HAS RETURNED!! OFF TOPIC: MY head is so freakin heavy from headbanging to Metallica. *Drinks red potion* Thanks.
  2. Good. I could use the help. *Strikes down another phantom* Oh dammit, the door's blocked. We're trapped.
  3. *all three triforce marks shine with a bright light, illuminating the room* What's going on?! Screw this, I'm out of here!! What the.. Huh?
  4. There, go for that eye on its back! *Stabs his sword into the eye and kills the phantom* This is a hell of a show! Yeah!! Boss, your hand, it's glowing again. *Zant also notices Zelda's triforce mark glowing as well* Her hand's doing it too.
  5. *Locks swords with the phantom* I don't think I can keep this up much longer. *Pushes the phantom back and fires sword beams at it* You have too, just until Link gets here. *nods in agreement*
  6. *Finishes off the first phantom* Dammit. Looks like we may need the Four Sword after all. Boy in green? You mean Link?
  7. *The phantom spots the group* INTRUDER!! I'll deal with him. *puts on mask and transforms into Fierce Deity* Hey numbskull! Over here. *starts fighting the phantom*
  8. Good thing I have this in case if there are any monsters. *pulls out mask* Did you say monsters?
  9. Oww..oww..oww..I think my ribs are broken. Get off me you lightweight.
  10. Okay...Now! Whoa!! *Both Zant and Ganon get pushed in by Dark* Did the plan work, boss?
  11. Wait till they're all inside. Hmm..Something doesn't sit right with me about this Ganon character. What do you mean? Just a thought.
  12. OFF TOPIC: Same here, Hellraiser. *plays inverted song of time* that should fix it. Are we seriously helping these losers out, boss. Shut up you idiot. When we get to this so called shrine, we'll lock them in there, tell the Principal, get them expelled and we make 100 rupees out of it. Ohhh. I like the way you think.
  13. Well what do you know, a talking sword. I wonder if it's ever met a talking mask.
  14. Ready, Fierce Deity? As I'll ever be.
  15. About time. Geez boss, I swear that kid is nuts.
  16. O_o O_o O_o *sigh* This is going to be a long day.
  17. Well are we going to this shrine or what? Yeah, we aint getting paid for nothing. *Merely glares at Ganon* Do we have to bring them along?
  18. Ok, this is getting weird. I agree. O_o Ehh..what's a snozberry monster?
  19. Hmmm...Deal. You are sharing that, right boss?
  20. Ok, just a few more *removes last syringe* done. 50? How about double or nothing? Wait Vio, I'll go too. We may need the Fierce Deity in case we run into any more monsters. Good thinking.
  21. Oh great, now he's unconscious. What's with everyone dropping like flies around here?
  22. Wait, come back here. I still have to remove...those.. Red, wait up. Ok, I'm lost here. What's going on?
  23. What do you mean by "Four Sword"? Is red gonna be ok? He should be. I'll try to make it as painless as possible.
  24. Hahahahaha!!!!! He's even more of a klutz than Kafei.
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