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Everything posted by Destroyer4292

  1. Hey! Back Off. Who's gonna make us, you? I said BACK OFF!! O_o Later boss, I'm outta here! I don't think you know who you are dealing with, unless you have a death wish.
  2. Better watch your step next time. Oh and tell your green friend that I'd like to have a talk with him. So since your boyfriend's a total geek, hows about dropping the zero and getting with a hero.
  3. Hey boss, here comes that Kafei kid. *Zant sticks out his leg, which Kafei trips over embarassingly. HAHA!! What a klutz!
  4. I'll make sure to tell Mr. Mizumi where you two had been. Now, run along to your next class. I'll take care of Oni from here. Meanwhile in the hallway Zant meets up with Ganon. So, did you give him my message? Yeah, but this one chick kicked me in the leg, and that old geezer gave me detention again. Spare me the details and get our boys ready. That punk's gonna pay for what he did.
  5. I..I must've had another seizure again. Try to relax for now, Oni. *switching back to Mr. Mizumi* And so class..*bell rings* Darn that bell. Make sure you study tonight. There will be a test over what we discussed tomorrow, and Vaati, don't forget that essay.
  6. *thermometer beeps* 98.5 degrees. Strange. Oni stirs. Wha..Where am I?
  7. Hill/0 No ones Hill, but it's My big gaping hole in the space-time continuum.
  8. Hmm, Let's see then. Anju, could you hand me that thermometer?
  9. OFF TOPIC: Yep Does he have a fever? Usually a high fever can cause fatigue and bouts of hallucination.
  10. OFF TOPIC: ouch, sorry to hear that Good heavens, what happened to him?
  11. ..And that is how Octoroks capture their prey. Any questions? *zzzzzzzzz* Zant. Zant. ZANT! Huh..What.. I was.. Sleeping again. That's another week of detention for you. *thinking to himself* Stupid old man.
  12. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif *Runs away screaming* YOUR HILL!!!! YOUR HILL!!!!!
  13. Anju rushes to Oni's aid as well. The couple decide to take him to Nurse Impa. While Kafei and Anju are carrying Oni to Nurse Impa's office, Oni continues to fade in and out of consciousness. Clock tower...mask...3 days..
  14. ...Help... Oni falls to the floor unconscious.
  15. sorry uneeded post. could someone trash this please.
  16. Now, as you can see by this Tekkite's appearance it is believed that they are a distant relative of modern day crustaceans.. Oni raises his hand Yes, Oni. Mr. Mizumi, may I be excused. Of course. Now as I was saying.. Oni leaves the classroom and walks down the hall. Is it him? The kid from my vision..Gah! My head..What is this? A moon, a clock tower, a mask...What do these visions mean?
  17. Well, no but I... Oni, being this is your first day, I'm letting you off with a warning, but after this, no talking. Zant, pay attention.
  18. Oni notices Kafei staring at him. *whispering* Can I help you? Without Mr. Mizumi noticing, Zant throws a crumpled piece of paper at the back of Link's head.
  19. Hey Oni doesn't speak any longer. He merely sits and stares at the blackboard. Mr Mizumi glares at Vaati and returns to the subject at hand. OFFTOPIC: new color for Mr. Mizumi. Now as I was saying, today we will be studying the prehistoric lifeforms of Lake Hylia.
  20. Ah Kafei and Anju, two of my brightest students, I almost thought you weren't going to make it. Please, take your seats. Now, as I was saying... *Principal Bo walks into the classroom with another kid. He has snow white hair and tattoos on his face.* Sorry to interupt Mr. Mizumi, but we have a new student who had just arrived. Class please welcome..eh what was your name again? Oni Emm right. Class please welcome Oni.
  21. Ahem, Mr. Vaati, I will not tolerate classroom interuptions. As punishment you will write a five page essay on the anatomy of an Octorok, which I will expect on my desk first thing tomorrow.
  22. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif Thanks. I like to consider my style of drawing an americanized version of manga, but anyways back on topic.
  23. Dude, I look beast in this picture. Yeah, Dead Hand rocks. Hey boss, remember the mosh pit at that one show. Hey wait a second, where's my picture? You're a lackey. Zip it! OFF TOPIC: that's right folks, Dead Hand is a band.
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