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Everything posted by Destroyer4292

  1. OFFTOPIC: gonna add some new characters here if no one minds Mr Mizumi is just temporary. Good day class, I am Mr. Mizumi and welcome to Hylian biology. I see that we have some new students. Why don't you two stand up and introduce yourselves?
  2. Don't get in my way next time, nerd. *Glares at Link* I'll deal with you later. Ganondorf and his gang walk out of the library.
  3. Zant shoves Vio out of the way and attempts to remove Link from Ganon Get off of him, freak! Zant succeeds in pulling Link off of Ganon. GRRR!! You little.. Before Ganon could even deliver a blow, the bell rings.
  4. Hey! What the?! Zant, get this guy off me! Sure thing, boss.
  5. You! You're dead! Ganon moves in towards Link, his fist clenched as the triforce mark continues to glow. Uh..boss, I don't think that's such a good idea.
  6. You got alot of nerve to say that to me, you purple haired freak. You respect the great Ganondorf unless you want to lose a few teeth. The triforce mark on Ganon's hand begins to glow brighter than ever. Geez, what is with this thing?
  7. Dang it! He got away, boss. GRRRR!!! If it wasn't for that numbskull Byrne, I would've pounded that little shrimp. Hey boss!! Your hand..its..glowing Ganon looks down at his hand and notices the glowing triforce symbol on his hand. That's wierd.
  8. Hey boss, the new fish just got away. What the..GET HIM!! Ganon and his gang chase after Link, who is now running for his life.
  9. Well, I guess since I'm playing Ganon, I should do concept art for him.
  10. OFFTOPIC: Fixed it, thank you http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif
  11. Too late, Byrne *pops knuckles* I already called dibs on him. Yeah, so back off if you know what's good for you.
  12. Hi and welcome to the GCN where happy things happen to happy *tackled by admins*
  13. Well I decided to go ahead and draw Vaati. NOTE: My drawing skills are an ATROCITY!!!! Else's will probably look better than mine though. Sorry guys, should've read befor I posted this.
  14. Meanwhile, Link is walking through the quiet hallways of Nayru High School (/offtopic: What do you think of the name? Makes since being that Nayru is the Goddess of Wisdom.)He is, however, not the only kid in the hallway. Well..Well. Looks like the new kid's lost.
  15. FETCH ME THEIR SOULS!!!! My Hill (plus I've been playing way too much Nazi Zombies)
  16. Hey Guys! You all already know me as Destroyer, the weird guy who's into metal and anything else satanic. I've mostly been wrapped up in college, guitar practice, and filmaking (a new hobby of mine) to work on anything mod related, so I will just say this as courteously as possible PEOPLE!!! IT IS SO F*CKING GOOD TO BE BACK!!!!!
  17. I'm thinking of adding custom music for my mod, but the thing is i have no absolute knowledge of how to import music. Do you think you guys could help me out with this one?
  18. Ok I followed the instructions and nothing happened.
  19. Destroyer4292


    WTF?! I wish I had your parents. My mom grounded me for listening to Slayer when I was 15. Nowadays I listen to Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Old School Metal (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc.), and some Norweigan Black Metal (Mostly Enslaved and Dimmu Borgir). Also, which Metallica do you like? 80s Metal Gods Metallica or Modern Day Sell Out Metallica.
  20. You sir owe me a new pair of eardrums.
  21. Aww man I definitely need to preorder this!!
  22. Ok. Are you supposed to do this in Uot or with a hex editor because I have both Uot and xv132.
  23. Well it seems Cthulu's going to be a new boss in Zelda. Excellent work spinout!
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