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Everything posted by Destroyer4292

  1. That's the demon freak who nearly killed Susan. (You lowminded jarhead, I am more than just a demon.)
  2. *lights a cigarette* Well where do I start? I was in the Marine Corps. for five years. Saw combat in Afghanistan. I loved it. It was something I was good at. The day I got out, the virus hit my hometown. Everyone was infected, including my wife and kids. It still haunts me to this day that I had to be the one to end their lives. And what about you devil boy? You got a story to tell? You don't need to know a damn thing about me. (It's simple. I am the beast. I will one day rule this world in the great name of Satan. That day has finally come. I will rise to power and exterminate those who follow Christ. These fools do not realize who they are dealing with. I am Antichrist)
  3. *throws sleeping bags at Takashi* There, happy now? Oh and here's another bag of beef jerky. *Throws bag of jerky to Susan* *says nothing*
  4. My avatar is actually Metallica's "Scary Guy" logo, and the rhyme in my signature I came up with myself. There's also a link to ZHS and My Zombie RP which you people need to join.
  5. Destroyer4292


    Holy shit!! I want one!
  6. Good thing I stole these from the gas station *pulls out bag of beef jerky and notices people are staring at him* What? Typical of a neanderthal like you to hide food from your friends.
  7. Thank God (or Satan) I preordered this! This is so epic!!!
  8. o_O (This chick is weird as hell)
  9. OFF TOPIC: I already lost the first threat contest..I love it though. (Something's definitely messed up with that Susan girl) *Glares at Susan*
  10. Moments later... He ain't getting out of that *struggles while chained up* Get me out of these fucking chains. Not a chance, asshole. Why don't you use your demon powers to melt through them. Oh, that's right, you don't have them anymore. If I did, I would mercilessly butcher you and your companions.
  11. I got a few in the back. I don't think those zombies will come anywhere close to here. As for him, I got some rope in the back as well.
  12. (hmmm..this woman is hiding something from me) Susan, this sick bastard nearly slaughtered you.
  13. The living dead are no match for me. They are just empty shells driven by the urge to feed. Well why don't we satisfy their appetite and throw your ass to them.
  14. *Tries to attack Susan but is held down by Destroyer and Takashi* I don't think so demonspawn.
  15. *Falls to the floor* Susan, what the hell are you doing?
  16. Would you two just shut the fuck up so we can deal with Satan's bitch here. I am no mere servant. Did I say you could speak? *pushes 1911 into Abaddon's head*
  17. I don't have a thing to say to you. Oh I think you do, or me and Takashi here are gonna fill you full of lead.
  18. I am Abaddon Well, Abaddon. You know what's scarier than the devil himself? A Marine and his gun, so you better start talking.
  19. OFF TOPIC: Yeah, but it's a secret that will be revealed later on. *pulls sword on Destroyer* Doesn't mean I can't fight back, mortal. Ain't you ever heard not to bring a sword to a gunfight *Pulls 1911 on Abaddon*
  20. Dammit, I've been purified Sucks that you lost fire *punches Abaddon in the face* doesn't it?
  21. OFF TOPIC: It didn't seem fair to me that Abaddon should be immortal. a wave of light floods the church, killing the surrounding zombies and returning the church to its normal state. Abaddon notices he has lost most of his demonic power, but only has enough to summon his sword. He's also no longer immortal.
  22. *falls to the floor* How? How could his presence still exist? He has left humanity to die, yet his power remains. About time somebody subdued that psycho.
  23. *writhes in pain* RRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!! DAMN YOU PATHETIC MORTAL!! *Charges at Takashi* Takashi, look out!
  24. You just don't know when to give up, do you? You still hang on to your pathetic life, even when the dead rule the earth.
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