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Everything posted by vulpix

  1. that's my specialty I love to dig! I appreciate the patience because in rereading what was going on I realized my question was pretty stupid since the project was never finished lmao
  2. vulpix


    hey all, is anyone playing pokemon go? I was just wondering because I'm putting all my free time into it and it's actually pretty entertaining in an obsession to get stronger things type of way. They are adding second generation pokemon in december so I have been told so I'm really wondering how the meta is going to hold up when all the overpowered things start to pop up!
  3. vulpix

    I'm Vulpix

    it does sound familiar I think it will happen, I just miss old days tbh I cant always be around because of that. But I didn't know that happened I'm glad there was some closure regarding it for sure.
  4. this looks really good, is this project still ongoing?
  5. really really wanna explore this when I have the time, thank you!
  6. this is amazing, i really like the look of the dungeon design you did a good job on what I can see!
  7. does anyone have this, I cant seem to see where the og download button was, I just like to collect things like this and I no longer have it. ?
  8. Hey all, I lurked here hard three years ago, I came to see how everything was going and to just be part of a community. I'm so happy to see that this is a still a community I was terrified to see tumble weeds. but anyways, I'm a big fan of some of you and you don't even know it and appreciate a lot of you. take care!
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