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Everything posted by dekupk5

  1. I managed to texture edit the game, will post screenshot soon...
  2. How would I be able to decompress and compress the dreaded .LZ files in the SS Demo? I found topics of people compressing and decompressing the files but they wont tell anyone HOW they were able to do that. Does anyone know how I would be able to decompress and compress the .LZ files in the SS Demo?
  3. Messing around with items. Edit: Does anyone know how to decompress LZ files? Any tools? Edit: Nevermind after alot of brain work, google searches, I now found out how to decompress the LZ files
  4. try using neogamma 9 beta, thats how I managed to use the codes.
  5. Ugh need sleep.... here are some Syward Sword images of around the island....
  6. I mean how were you able to modify and compress that file?What tools did you use to modify the file? Do you know how you would be able to texture edit properly?
  7. I tried doing a texture edit, but resulted in numerous amount of errors, how were you able to modify the files?
  8. It seems someone else, has edited textures on the Skyview temple Dungeon and texture hacks. Link
  9. Ok il try to post some other things.
  10. Yes, but their could be some differences between the two versions, and I feel that's something to look into. Edit: This is the beetle model you get out of the treasure chest.
  11. They have been working on this game for five years, to so far with my knowledge, withought any delays, I think they will include most things, and change minor things for example like how they changed Girahams text and made his hand engulfed in red aura.
  12. Skyward Sword will most likely be dual layered if one demo is this big.
  13. When you decompress it, its less than 1 gig. Edit: @Fi Well you don't have to read it, if it starts getting spoilerish just stop reading.
  14. On everyone's behalf, he never mentioned how he decompressed the .arc.lz files.
  15. Oh and I almost forgot, Zeth, how did you decompress the .arc.lz files?
  16. Thanks once again BLAHBLAH but wouldn't the controls be clunky if you played withought Wii mote plus?
  17. Well only if you get a faster computer, blue tooth with Wii motion plus, I don't think it will be impossible. I suggest you play it on a modded wii, less expensive.
  18. Warning Spoiler Alert! Translated. Edit: Quite allot of spoilers. Their seems to be allot of sidequests in this game, probably three times the amount than Majoras Mask from looking at this list. Warning Spoiler Alert! Ah, very interesting Edit: Almost forgot, thanks xdaniel for finding the list! Edit: Hairia = Hylia
  19. Thanks xdaniel, and Zeth! Managed to load a windmill.
  20. It seems the Demo is well laid out. Any guesses on what GetBeetleB.arc is supposed to be along with ObjectPack.arc.LZ?
  21. Hopefully, though torrents usualy do speed up. Update: Filesystem of Skyward Sword.
  22. Managed to get it to work on an emulator!
  23. Game ID seems to be: DAXP01 Edit: @ Fi Really? Sometimes it lags after a long while, then it will start downloading. Edit2: Il try to make another upload later on, but if I were you I would use the torrent BLAHBLAH gave instead, as that's the only fastest option.
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