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Everything posted by dekupk5

  1. Hey y'all! You guys should try using bdl editor. it brings a new dimension in model hacking. ~deku
  2. Hello, I used to be known as younglinkx. My entire existence was horrid on these forums, but now I come back reincarnated, and completely different! Its Nice to meet you all ! ~deku
  3. Now my copy of OOT3D seems useless..... ~deku
  4. Hatsune Miku replaced as a enemy? Captain were do I sign up.
  5. Managed to view a windwaker model in 3dsmax. The bmd (and bdl) to 3dsmax script works.
  6. Typing Ops, you meant screen shots, be back in a sec....
  7. Did you follow every step correctly? "BMD To BDL Converter Rename your BMD model "In.bmd". Put your In.bmd into the same directory as Temporary.bdl included in the download. Run bmd2bdl.exe. Locate the file "Out.bdl", and that's the BMD model converted to BDL. BDL To BMD Converter Rename you BDL model "In.bdl". Place it in that same folder as bdl2bmd.exe. Run bdl2bmd.exe. Locate "Out.bmd", and that is your BDL Model converted to BMD." Maybe I should just suggest SuperMario64DS to come to these forums.
  8. Merry Christmas Everyone! Deku~
  9. He scatters his releases everywhere, and I have to track them all! Link You have to install python ' ..... but hope it works for you. Check this thread for more information, Link
  10. Try using bmd to 3ds max script (it works for bdl too), then try using the 3ds to bdl. I will try to contact SuperMario64Ds for these kind of problems.
  11. Can these people just leave the internet alone? Its like they want to get into everything they cannot touch.
  12. dekupk5

    Who am I?

    I recommend for your first job to fix some of the broken smiley image's .
  13. Has your pet or relative chew up your av cords preventing you to play your games? Don't want to spend a buck to fix it? Well here's your solution! I have tried it and it works! If it doesn't work for you follow every step closely.
  14. Even fox or kotaku wouldn't be able to make such a lie as this, c'mon get positive.
  15. The Legend of Zelda Official timeline *sniff*: Main Timeline 1. Skyward Sword 2. Minish Cap 3. Four Swords 4. Ocarina Of Time Split 1: Link defeats Ganon - childhood branch a) Majora's Mask b.)Twilight Princess c) Four Swords Adventures Split 2: Link defeats Ganon - adult branch a) Wind Waker b.) Phantom Hourglass c) Spirit Tracks Split 3: Link fails in Ocarina Of Time a) A Link To The Past b.) Oracles c) Link's Awakening d) The Legend Of Zelda e) The Legend Of Zelda II
  16. New pics: It is the same lyre in OOT! If you look in the corner right.
  17. Even if its just the psp part of it that got hacked, the vita has more processing power so wouldn't it be possible for faster homebrew emulation speeds?
  18. Im going to try to replace the mario.arc in galaxy to sunshine, hopefully it wont crash.
  19. What doesn't make sense about it? Never mind getting on topic.
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