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Everything posted by dekupk5

  1. You could have changed it to, "Ps Vita emulator has been hacked" but thanks anyway.
  2. Today my PS3 broke down , and I was just wondering if I should get a xbox 360 or buy another ps3. I have heard you have to pay for online on the xbox 360, so im not too sure. Could you guys post Pros and Cons if you will post down the differences?
  3. Your'e the one that wants an example so why would I do that? If you want some pics ask SuperMario64DS, as it will take a while to get some pictures of a complicated model hack.
  4. By collision do you mean KCL editing? If so then yes hes currently working on it
  5. SuperMario64DS has done it again! He has discovered ways to convert bmd to bdl and bdl to bmd 3ds to bdl and we already have bmd to 3ds and 3ds to bmd. What does this mean? MODEL HACKING!!!!!!!!! You will now be able to model hack games such as: Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Sunshine(Wohhooo), super mario galaxy 1 and 2, mario kart double dash and many many more. Heres a Link to one of his amazing accomplishments. This is the day I have been waiting for.
  6. Im not caring as much as I would have if it wasnt region free, sony did it right this time.
  7. dekupk5


    What is pink pie going to do when see's this?
  8. Hi, people. Don't get excited, it's not really hacked. ~Rainbow Dash You heard right the Ps Vita has been.... HACKED. Some group managed to get hello world running and will be able to get through the security. I look forward to this as then I will be able to use homebrew to do anything I want.
  9. Meh, il just lower the resolution.
  10. Awesome real time strategy rpg, eh? The graphics look better than ever (even better than mystery dungeons). The controls are unique. Has yet another successful Pokemon cross over made its way?
  11. It would be a shame if all that progress was for nothing.
  12. Same with me, its a great program! Will post pics.
  13. Awesome that SS got game of the year. Even though Skyrim has more content its great to see Zelda.
  14. Inb4 LEepicPOULET posts "Welcome to Hell!" Welcome
  15. dekupk5


    Maybe it looks better.
  16. This awesome book will release in japan and will show all of the concept art for ALL Zelda games(except cdi)! So if you like drawing Zelda character's this is a MUST have! The price is ¥3255 (Around 41 US dollars). I hope this releases in America! Here are some pics: Im glad i can read that.
  17. Hello people, just recently I saw this game developer kit called UDK, downloaded it and now learning about it. Ive seen many people making through UDK, and want to ask anyone with experiance, how big is the learning curve? Can it do anyhting I want it to do? Are their any better programs out their? Thanks
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