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  1. Slightly off topic, but: Drops this here. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f08c/ No, I'm not associated with them.
  2. Paradox has the glitch for me, but brave doesn't.
  3. Every song from World of Goo. I like all of them, but here is one. and this is a pretty sick remix.
  4. Kibbler

    64drive public

    I have got to agree with you Ganondork, I am getting one of these babies the second I can. Edit: along with a n64.
  5. Kibbler

    Really BIG News

    while I believe it is possible, I think it will be a little while for truly convincing landscapes. while that demo does look nice, it repeats and awful lot, and there are only a handful of models being shown at a time. I would compare it to an n64 game. nearly all of the trees or other things are the same.
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