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Ultra553 last won the day on April 15 2018

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About Ultra553

  • Birthday 06/25/2000

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    3d modeling. designing landscapes and a little bit of sound mixing :) im interested in seeing other peoples projects and learn from them. :D


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  1. Ultra553


    lol thats quite funny actually. i tried animating a Monkeys mouth and blender just destroyed the model. had to restart and do the armature twice for it to work but in the end it wasn't what i expected so i just deleted the facial armature.
  2. Ultra553


    thanks! i did try using imgur but i had problems saying it wouldn't work. ill use photo bucket and reupload the pictures
  3. this is looking really good! i suck at using unity 3d, im trying to make an episodic/animation based zelda game with it. each episode is based on skullkid accidentally finding his way lost in lost woods, falling down a hole onto mushrooms. i have the whole story planned out and about 78% of the scenes done for it. i was planning on doing each episode of the 5 stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. but i was going to twist it around a bit. i have used Anju's Grandmothers story as a template so i can seamlessly make it lead up to the events of majoras mask. although making this i was thinking of using mm 3d textures because it looks better. but if your interested in my idea just shoot me a pm and i could work something out. screenshots of my work; takes a long time to paint the textures one by one but i enjoy it
  4. Ultra553


    HI everybody! im quite new here and am trying to look for tools to make a zelda texture hack. ive seen many projects on youtube like 3rd quest, Zelda Links Awakening and Zeths Twilight princess texture hack and they have just inspired me to make my own zelda hack. i know how to 3d model really well and am currently working on a unity project, its just me, making a small game/animation about skullkid and how it all led up to majoras mask. modelling is all finished and im trying animation in blender which isnt to bad but ill need to brush up on it more. another Unity project im working on is Animal crossing for pc. its kinda on hold at the moment until the creator gets a computer so im just going to rig and 3d model everything for that and rip content from the Gamecube Animal crossing game. if anybody is interested in helping with the Animal crossing just send me a PM or if your willing to help me with Skullkids Story shoot me a pm and ill hopefully get back to you on that here are some screenshots of my work. also, I used sculptris to paint landscapes and other terrain environments because its tools are vary flexible. as you can tell some of these screenshots look similar to the Ocarina of time 3d and majoras mask 3d type maps, well ive been hunting around the internet for days looking for textures and couldn't find any so i had to get a 3d model ripping program and rip them that way. i have so much to show! and am willing to accept help! ill soon make a video showing oh how i make these maps. my first time rigging and animating and it turned out great!
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