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originallink last won the day on January 1 2018

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About originallink

  • Birthday 08/23/1994

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  1. I released this earlier this year in a pseudo private setting but here is a sash mod. It works on the Wiiu's virtual console as well as real hardware (at least with an expansion pak). this gives both young link and adult link a sash more like the concept art than mm's offering. Be sure to set your everdrive to the appropriate region of your console for that method. drive64 should work also but i can't afford one. The wiiu virtual console needs an ini edit using the debug rom using sin and punishment as a base. Download here . be sure to use 1.1 as it does not include a decompressor that gives false positives as the patch takes care of that in a safer way. You have permission to use it with your mods without crediting me btw.
  2. Oh wow, apparently people have been using illegal sites instead of making legal backups. seems like they are asking to get compromised.

  3. It was at 92% as of 11:11 est Edit: This monsterocity of a plugin is fully funded with several days left.
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