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Everything posted by SanguinettiMods

  1. I hope you accept advice from a twelve-year-old. As far as 3D Modeling goes, I started out with Google SketchUp when I was nine or ten years of age. It's always seemed the easiest to use and provided something to do to pass time when I was bored. I suggest you try it out. If you happen to get Google SketchUp 8, I can provide a means of getting it Pro if you PM me. You can always import it into another 3D modeling program later on to fix it up. I've tried programming, as well. I started out learning Visual Basic .NET and that seems to be the easiest for me, but I also program in C. I have a .pdf file called "C for Dummies 2nd Edition" that I can provide you a looksie, if you PM me. I hope this helped.
  2. Vacum-sealed Wacky Xylophones are cool.
  3. If it makes you feel any better, it is however entirely possible to re-create and even restore some elements of "Beta OoT" Such as Link's previous model designs, or early enemies.
  4. Dat Toungggeee
  5. The main wall texture is http://img.photobuck...0C0_fmt0x10.png It's probably combined with http://imagebin.org/209248 but there isn't any way of telling that I know of currently.
  6. It may not look like it, but I did a VRML Export from Nemu just to figure this out, and the tetxure that wall uses is http://img.photobuck...0C0_fmt0x10.png And for the record, this is how Nintendo did those "small waterfalls":http://imagebin.org/209245
  7. I'm not sure. I was just looking based off of that. I have no idea.
  8. I'm talking about this image: http://imagebin.org/209226 The file name of the image is what I was talking about.
  9. I have no idea. That'd be something to ask xdaniel. Those walls are probably something like IC-0x20E50_32x64_RGBA16.png
  10. That's possible with SharpOcarina's Multitexturing ability. The walls in that room are this texture: http://imagebin.org/209213
  11. All I did was rip the textures. I can't identify each and every one for you. The Ice Block isn't part of the Map. It's an actor in itself, so with this rip, you won't find the Ice Block's textures. Nor the Red Ice texture, as you though above.
  12. *cough* http://www.the-gcn.com/topic/1203-oot-and-mm-complete-mapscene-texture-rip/
  13. Do you have plans to implement Spinout's z64-tex-ext in SO?
  14. That's just a flat surface, too. An arc. In SharpOcarina, make the Display List's alpha about 130.
  15. UoT isn't the best tool to use The "errors" you're getting are just part of the program and the way it renders things. Try using xdaniel's OZMAV or DLViewer.
  16. 1) I don't think there needs to be a separate topic for each of these questions. They can be answered simply in one combined topic, or in the shoutbox. 2) Water is simply a collisionless mesh with a waterbox, that you can add in SharpOcarina, under it. The waterfall from Zora's river is an actor. Rapids are animating textures. z64-tex-ext, a hack spinout created, can be used to animate textures. So, water is a flat surface.
  17. "Reflections" aren't reflections, persay. It's a transparent floor with the Room Geometry mirrored below. Link's reflection, as far as I know, is just a second Link actor rotated below, but I've never gotten it to work. The Actor part anyway.
  18. I would say 4' for Child Link and 6' for Adult Link. It's a bad idea to use a Link model for referencing actors, but I can grab one sometime.
  19. What kind of link model are you looking for? Map-sized or his Hierarchy Templates? If your looking for a map sized one, I believe there is a Link on there.
  20. Yaz0, Yay0, MIO0, zlib, edl, erz, odt, and rnc1/81 are the only compression types I know of or have heard of, yet I can't find any of them in games like Super Smash Bros 64, or Hexen 64, etc. I wanted to know if there was a more efficient way to tell if a ROM has been compressed with a format up above or one that I have not hear of before, or if it just isn't compressed at all.
  21. This is the support topic for the tutorial Importing Custom DLists (A Sword). Please post here if you have any questions or feedback.
  22. You posted the 50th post, Mr. Scratch.
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