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Everything posted by SanguinettiMods

  1. If you can find a palette changer for RGBA5551 tetxures.
  2. Another code I made that I'm particularly proud of... Use anything! (Child Link or Adult Link) 803E978C 0009 803E978F 0009 803E9790 0009 803E9792 0009 803E9795 0009 803E9796 0009 803E9798 0009 813E979A 0909 803E979C 0009 813E97A2 0909 813E97A4 0909 813E97A6 0909 803E97A9 0009 803E97AB 0009 803E97AC 0009 813E97AE 0909 813E97B2 0909 803E97B4 0009 803E97B7 0009 803E97B8 0009 803E97BA 0009 813E97BE 0909 803E97C0 0009 803E97C2 0009 813E97C4 0909 803E97C6 0009 803E97D5 0009 813E97D6 0909 813E97D8 0909 813E97DA 0909 813E97DC 0909 813E97DE 0909 813E97E0 0909 813E97E2 0909 813E97E4 0909 813E97E6 0909 813E97E8 0909 813E97EA 0909 813E97EC 0909 813E97EE 0909 813E97F0 0909 803E97F2 0009 803E97F4 0009 813E97F6 0909 803E97F9 0009 813E97FA 0909 813E97FC 0909 813E97FE 0909 803E9800 0009 813E9804 0909 803E9806 0009 This enables everything that you can equip weather you're child Link or adult Link. Make sure when using the code that you enable it when the game is paused, equip what you want, and then disable it before you un-pause, otherwise the game could crash.
  3. Xdaniel, I'm just wondering, will there be a small release of this program anytime soon? :3
  4. Is there a file in which the skybox textures are located in? If so, I might be able to help.
  5. I've already gotten it in-game. I'll be sure to get some screens sometime.
  6. After literally 20 attempts over a course of four days, I think I finally have an acceptable A+C Beta Shield Recreation. (Compared to first post's) (See Previous verisions)
  7. I made this code myself, and am proud of it. Replace Kokiri Sword With: (Anything) 81125E3C 06XX 81125E3E XXXX 81125E44 06XX 81125E46 XXXX Replace XXXXXX with 0x006CC0 (0x6CC0) = Deku Stick 0x016120 (0x16118) = Goron Bracelet 0x015540 (0x15540) = Left Hand + Master Sword 0x013CB0 (0x13CB0) = Left Hand 0x013E18 (0x13E18) = Left Fist 0x013F38 (0x13F38) = Left Fist + Kokiri Sword 0x0141C0 (0x141C0) = Right Hand 0x014320 (0x14320) = Right Fist 0x014440 (0x14440) = Right Fist + Deku Shield 0x014660 (0x14660) = Left Fist + Boomerang 0x0148A8 (0x148A8) = Hylian Shield + Sword + Sheath 0x014B40 (0x14B40) = Hylian Shield + Sheath 0x014D68 (0x14D68) = Deku Shield + Sword + Sheath 0x015010 (0x15010) = Deku Shield + Sheath 0x015248 (0x15248) = Sword + Sheath 0x015408 (0x15408) = Sheath 0x015958 (0x15958) = Right Hand + Ocarina of Time 0x015BA8 (0x15BA8) = Right Hand + Fairy Ocarina 0x015DF0 (0x15DF0) = Right Fist + Fairy Slingshot 0x015FD0 (0x15FD0) = Outstretched Left Hand (used for holding bottles) 0x0202A8 (0x202B0) = Waist 0x0204F0 (0x20528) = Left Thigh 0x0206E8 (0x20720) = Left Shin 0x020978 (0x209B0) = Left Foot 0x020AD8 (0x20B10) = Right Thigh 0x020CD0 (0x20D08) = Right Shin 0x020F60 (0x20F98) = Right Foot 0x0210C0 (0x210C0) = Shirt Collar 0x021130 (0x21138) = Torso 0x021360 (0x21398) = Head 0x0219B0 (0x219E8) = Hat 0x021AE8 (0x21B20) = Left Shoulder 0x021CB8 (0x21CF0) = Left Forearm 0x021E18 (0x21E50) = Right Shoulder 0x021FE8 (0x22020) = Right Forearm 0x018048 (0x18048) = Right Arm + Fairy Slingshot (for first person mode) 0x018478 (0x18478) = Bottle 0x018580 (0x18580) = Un-named Object 0x018648 (0x18648) = Bottle 0x0221A8 (0x221A8) = Fairy Slingshot String 0x0224F8 (0x224F8) = Deku Shield 0x02AD40 (0x2AD48) = Skull Mask 0x02AF70 (0x2AF78) = Spooky Mask 0x02B060 (0x2B068) = Keaton Mask 0x02B1F0 (0x2B1F8) = Mask of Truth 0x02B350 (0x2B358) = Goron Mask 0x02B580 (0x2B588) = Zora Mask 0x02B788 (0x2B790) = Gerudo Mask 0x02CA38 (0x2CA48) = Bunny Hood Documentation by Flotonic. The true offsets are listed with the UoT offsets in parenthesis. CHILD LINK ONLY (Disregard the 0x)
  8. I'm assuming so. I could probably take data from one sequence, but this was just something for fun, so I'm probably not going to release it unless someone REALLY wants it.
  9. I edited the Trigger Notes, Playback notes, and the actor that the song spawns. I then edited the text that displays when you play the song of storms. I also composed a playback MIDI and imported that as well. So there really isn't much of a flaw, other than when you play the song once, the rest of the music stops until you reenter the scene.
  10. The only "pointers" I can find to 0x5500 (Child Link's Face Palette) or 0x5C00 (Adult Link's Face Palette) are the FD commands within their files. I don't think that each of the eye or mouth textures are set up to be pointed to their own palette, just pointed to one in general. I guess I'll have to wait until you implement that addon into SharpOcaina.
  11. I'm not sure if that would work, see, I'm talking about animating textures, the only pointers to them are in code.zdata...
  12. Is there a way to manually re-assign palettes in the meantime?
  13. Thanks for the help, xdan. I ended up using SO to convert my textures, rather than ZLE2, like I was going to. I want to know, though, if converting all of the textures in the same piece of geometry will keep the textures from being assigned different palettes? This is a problem for animating facial textures.
  14. Yes, those of CI-type textures, like Link's face textures for example. I found them in the file, but I don't know how to edit them, because I'm not sure how they work.
  15. Is there any documentation on how they work? I'd appreciate it greatly if anyone can help me on this. (And spinout, if you answer this, no offense, but please explain it in the simplest terms that you can. )
  16. I understand that, but I don't think I should have to explain every button click I make. I explain the important features of what I will be doing. From there you should be able to pay attention to what I do and apply it to your own map. Okami explained it alright, anyway.
  17. You can use N64SoundTool to rip the instrument sample from Ocarina of Time.
  18. It wouldn't matter if you found a model of Link or not. The parts of Link are bigger than maps themselves. Use this instead: https://sites.google.com/site/flotonic65/modding/n64zeldadoc/modelpresets
  19. I appreciate everyone's advice given to me. As I do take walks in my spare time, sometimes it's not for exercise, but rather breathing fresh air that isn't full of smoke. I've been looking into HTML actually, but at the same time, I'm afraid that I'd loose interest, as I did with programming in C. The case with that is, I've never been able to do anything except edit a few bytes in a ROM. If I rant long enough, I'll eventually explain my life story... (We don't want that. ) Another subject, I've already been through this with Naxy multiple times, is love. Why is it so pressuring to feel like you need to have someone or you're not "cool"? I don't particularly think that way, But it's kind of hard to ignore feelings that I have. I'll continue appreciating any advice that I can get.
  20. (Move if necessary.) I find there to be multiple problems about myself that I don't like. Venting to friends doesn't help fix that. I'd like anyone's input on how to help me get over this. 1. I have 0 hobbies. What I do, if you call it a hobby, is Mod Zelda OoT. Since that's the only thing I really know how to do..."well". I hardly see myself fit for anything, as I'm not a fan of any kind of sport. I barely do anything that is interesting, but I'd like to find something else to do for once... 2. Money is tight. I'm always seen as a poor kid who can't do anything at school or likewise by the Majority of the people. I have a zazzle store, in which I put up shirts or other products I design (www.zazzle.com/sanguinettimods) But it's not like anyone buys anything. I'm looking for a small job I can do, but I'm not exactly fit to Shovel Sidewalks in the winter, as that's about the only thing I can do when there is 3+ Feet of snow. I can't really do anything fun without some kind of money. (I don't get allowance, either, so, meh.) 3. I'm a large person. I know that some people feel intimidated by my size. My goal this summer is to start working out at a fitness center up the street, but it costs money (see problem 2) to go there. Rest is self explanatory. My small group of actual friends is what makes everything worthwhile. Any input is appreciated.
  21. Haha, Stress? Love. Drama. Constant arguing. Barely any money. That should be all I have to say for you to get the picture.
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