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Everything posted by SanguinettiMods

  1. There is a application called RealPlayer. there is a tab that will pop up on any video, like youtube and such, and you can download it for free.
  2. I usually use animefreak.tv. If it's not on there, I usually don't watch it.
  3. BA buh buh BAAHH~ Kaeporea Gaebora: Children, you must find Zelda x15 Would you like to hear what I said again? > Yes Yes
  4. In that case, can I have Dark Link, Dampe, and Saria?
  5. The HUD can be disabled via GS code.
  6. http://tcrf.net/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time_(Debug_version)#Camera_Debugger
  7. Jason, Collision errors happen like that if the faces are "blue" instead of "white" in Sketchup when you texture them.
  8. Self-Triangulate areas. If you can. With Larger areas, you should be able to "Sub-Divide" Parts. That should fix texture problems.
  9. Is there any way to make the data that is computed be the same as Saria's?
  10. I wasn't going to try and have it static. I can't just simply port the data? I suppose I'll have to try another method, then. But what's wrong with the thigh DLists?
  11. The main reason I want to know about them, I'm working on a play As Saria. I wanted to know what data the DA command pointed to, so I can port that data to Link. Saria's Shoulders are broken, and her thighs are broken. http://imagebin.org/176987
  12. Thanks, spinout, But I'm not sure how I can put that type of information to use. Could you explain it to me?
  13. SanguinettiMods

    DA commands

    Anybody and all who might have information on how these work and can be modified. Can you please help me? DA XX XX YY BB ZZ ZZ ZZ XX XX = Something, usually 38 00 YY = Something, usually 03 BB = Bank, 0D ZZ ZZ ZZ = Starting offset of data, Perhaps, but relative to what?
  14. Front Switch : Room to Switch to when you go through the door. in this case, 01 Back Switch, Room to Switch to when you go through the door from the back, in this case, 00. What I did, I copied the values xdaniel had for his "Test Dungeon" Which was Front Switch: Room to Switch to Cam: 01 BackSwitch: 00 Cam FF for all of them
  15. I've nto figured out DeathBasket's tool, either. As far as I know, it's only going to work with his MIDI files. I use >tinyMM >MML2M64 >Notepad >HxD >zelda_insert_seq and >GZRT
  16. Front Switch: 00 Cam : (Room number, starting at 01) Back Switch: 00 Cam: FF 002E 0001 Metal-studded, lifting wooden door 002E = Actor Number 0001 = Group 0000 = Variable
  17. Just copy the Method used in the Deku Tree for that one reason.
  18. All of this is possible, and I know how to "fix" all of it. Except for the Hookshot and the Deku Sticks on Adult Link.
  19. I know Z64 porter can do this, the point is, I want to do it manually. And I can't figure out why it won't work.
  20. Oh, I would, but I tried making a patch, it took a total half hour to make it....
  21. I've tried porting maps from Majora's Mask to OoT, and most of them work, sort of, but Termina Field crashes when I try to load the area. Help? http://ifile.it/6gvjytf/HALP_Termina.ppf
  22. Is there any way to Extend the Map Select on the Debug ROM? For example, lets say I wanted to Add a custom map without replacing one in-game, Could I just add it as a separate entry to select? With a custom name and all?
  23. That's all completely possible, but most of it requires Display List porting, which if you're new to it, takes quite a while. As for just enabling the Items, go Here
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