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Vincent Swiftstrike

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About Vincent Swiftstrike

  • Birthday 08/17/1993

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  1. I don't see any possible way to activate them though. The only way I could think of "activating" them is to learn separate songs as we do now. Perhaps they still functioned the same way in beta as they do now; they just all had the same graphic. In beta that scenario isn't too far-fetched either. So no other map has the pedestal act in this way? Or have all maps not been tested yet? Since Majora's Mask has the same build, or the near same build as Ocarina of Time, would it also be possible to perhaps scavenge Majora's Mask for evidence, perhaps in similar scenario's of this kind? More information may be able to be gained if there is some sort of pattern. This may be slightly off topic, but I've been reminded of something. I remember a video on Youtube. I won't go too far into detail unless someone pressed for more (or asks for the video itself), but basically entering a sealed off debug map in Ganondorf's castle had a legit Arwing in the map. However, by normal means, entering the map via debug mode does not seem to spawn the Arwing. I've always been curious as to why, or if the guy happened to somehow milk the contents to seem something more then it is. This is going to be a stretch that I'm probably going to whack myself later for even considering, but as of now it's 5:50 A.M. for me and it seems like a small shred of a possibility. Perhaps in the beginning, the Zora's home could have possibly been in Lake Hylia, for Lake Hylia is certainly more then big enough to fit Lord Jabu-Jabu and be able to populate all the Zora's, and Zora's domain was originally just the Ice caverns, which may have been an ice temple at the time. I take back about whacking myself later, because I feel like whacking myself now because it seems too far of a stretch, but it doesn't hurt to leave it up I guess. All theories should be considered; I just feel this theory has no evidence to really go on. Also, I forget, was Jabu-Jabu's size different in the beta compared to the original (I think his sizes are different even in the beta quests but it's been ages since I've anything physically with Ocarina of Time)?
  2. Maybe, but a problem with that is that once you learned that song, you could warp anywhere in the game with those pads. By the time you learn the song, you could either sequence break the game too easily, doing temples far earlier then you are supposed to or getting key items like how we get the Zora's Mask ridiculously early in a Majora's Mask speed run. Or in the case that you get this song too far into the game, when by the time you learned the song, there would be little to no need for it except for it other then simply back tracking, that would only be good for side quests and traveling between point A to Point B; which as we know for some Side quests this is void due to the warping taking up in game time. I'd find it hard to get such song in the middle of these two scenario's, because it probably couldn't be too hard to sequence break the game to get that song earlier then intended, which will forever lean it closer to the former scenario, where it's used to sequence break the rest of the game. Once again, I'm doing nothing but theory crafting here. But it seems logical to me. In Majora's Mask it was much better due to the 3 day time limit, the game offered countless check points so that way you didn't have to redo so much of something again for players of all paces, as well as the fact Majora's Mask already had the song list full, they could only reduce it down to one song. I also find it nice you don't have to memorize 6 different songs to warp to 6 different locations. In Majora's Mask the Owl check points were numerous enough that there had to be one song as well.
  3. Well, if Princess Ruto was supposed to be in that cutscene, perhaps there are some missing animations for her somewhere? I know in Majora's Mask, the Fairy Fountain cutscenes you showed, Zeth, those animations that Link used in them can be accessed via action replay codes. I feel the length of the cutscene seems too long for Princess Ruto to simply be sucked in. If she was being sucked in... well, she would have enough time to crawl out of the way if the cutscene is nearly a minute of just that. Of course anything could happen; maybe that's why it may have been scrapped in the first place. I feel like the original planned cutscene would be that she was there with the spiritual stone (perhaps Link met up with her, asking for the stone, and she initially refuses) then Jabu-Jabu opens his mouth, sucks the stone out of her hands, or where it may have been resting perhaps, and she chases in after it, which Link would then follow after her as well. With the length of the cutscene, it seems more plausible, but I'm doing nothing but theory crafting. Finally, it's possible there may be no extra animations to Ruto as well. For all we know she could use the same animation when you find the spiritual stone inside Jabu-Jabu right before you fight the giant Octorok.
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