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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Well, for a mounth or so, i've been kind of losing touch with the GCN, and this should explain why, this is new to me, just be warned about the potential mind scarring images that may come across your mind :o (Probably not mind scaring :P)



    Posted Image (oh noes! A poneh!!!)




     Posted Image (Oh noes! I am linking itz with othar medias!)




     Posted Image (Oh noes! They are going on adventures!)



    If this explains nothing, then you have the right to kill me.

  2. Wow, it's been so long since I've worked on this. Looking back to it, I could have done a lot better with it. So, I restarted it from the beginging. A lot of the stuff I did on this was really stupid, and this time, it's a lot more serious. I even have a much better pc now, and I don't lag, and I can actually animate decently now. I'm also using the green screen on gmod to make sprites for the characters, just like in ace attorney :3


    I haven't done much on it yet, but here are some teaser pics, I guess. (photobucket kind of sucks for image quality, sorry)



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    (The greenscreen photo is just a test for now)

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  3. If the government bans violent videogames, they might as well ban parenting. If the parents decide to buy a violent videogame for their eight year old son, and the kid ends up being a mass murderer about it, it's the parents fault that the kid got that crazy. I admit to being un-informed about the school shooting other then a few articles and the news channel, but does this case have anything to do with videogames? If it dosen't, then this whole "blame" thing is stupid, end of story.

  4. Holy crap, this old thred I started is still up :o


    Man, it's been a long time since I started this, but looking back at my old drawing, it sucks! Man, i've improved so much since then, but I guess that was the past, I should put on a new drawing, since it's just been so long.

  5. I never imagined I would get so busy. Sorry, but for now, I don't think this daily update thing is going to work for me. I really want this to happen, but I am to busy right now. I'm still working on it, I just don't have much time for it. And when I'm not busy, I need time for myself to relax, and modding isn't always the most relaxing. I'm still working on it, i'm just busy.

  6. None of those pictures are of central Castle Town. Those are the backalleys that he's not gotten yet. (at least, that's what I'm thinking, could be wrong)


    Yes, what was shown was just the central area. The entrance and other general areas were not revield yet. As you can see in this picture, there is an area in the left of the map that was never shown in the original.

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    As for the update, The project has been going great. I've been focusing mostly on maps so far. And i've been focusing mostly on areas I do not want to ruin for anyone, like new locations in the much bigger 3D castle town.. So unless people don't mind spoilers, I have nothing to show. So, i'll end this little update with a question, what do people want from this restoration? I would very much like some input :)

  7. Well, I got my computer fixed, the only thing is, the fixer said that my computer could last anywhere from one day to thirty years, so using it right now is quite stressfull.



    EDIT: Well, it died on me, but I have diagnosed the problem: Broken video card.

    So, it looks like I won't be having a computer for a while.

  8. Howdy, I am restarting all devevlopement of the Beta restoration because I have made so many horrible mistakes in my old one, due to not having enough kcnolage on Ocarina of Time hacking. Overall, it was a bloody mess. So that's why I decided to restart the entire thing. The reason why I am making this new thred is because the last one was a mess as well and I just want to forget about it.


    So anywho, my goal is to sort-of re-build the original build of ocarina of time in my own style.


    It will include: Cut areas, revamped old areas (Castle town, for example), and new entirely (i'm thinking Snowhead!)

    New models to better represent the beta

    New dungeons and SOME changed old ones

    I could go on for a while


    Also, part of the fail of my first attempt was lack of updates, so I will actually show developement to keep people happy! And I something to show right now (note, this area is not finished)


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    That is just one of the many sections of castle town. When it is done, the size will be comparing with clock town.


    Well that is all for now.

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