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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Hmm, a new version of MM. Hopefully that means an actual remake where they re-build all the areas in the game, add new ones, new models, new masks, new sidequests, rather than the OOT port. Now that would be amazing :D


    Also, as a diehard Zelda fan hearing about a new zelda game for the 3ds that is closer to the consle games, OMGYEAHBESTDAYEVERMYLIFEISCOMPLETE!!!!!!!!

    Although, I hope the game is not another Toon Link game, there are way to much of those. I think using the art style from the BETA Zelda 64DD would be cool to revive. But even if they use Toon Link, I'll still play it and love it. (hopefully zelda 3ds uses the circle pad add-on)

  2. Purple takes out his shield to deflect the Deku Nut the Deku Shrub it throws at them, but the force just knockes him over.

    Purple: Everyone, take out your shields, we'll use all of our shields together to knock back the jiant Deku Nut.

  3. Off Topic: At around this time every day, I will be asleep. I don't know, but i'm guessing most people on this website live in different time zones from myself, me being hours ahead. It is very late where I live and I notice I am on the most when nobody else is on. So if you were wondering why I am gone a lot, that is why.

    Thank you, and good night.

  4. Purple looks behind and notices the metallic blue bomber far behind, trying to catch up with the rest of the heroes. Purple points at Mega Man.

    Purple: See, Red. With all the rushing we almost forgot Mega Man. Geez, you need to be more careful.

  5. Purple: Wait... You guys out of your minds!!! Merging of universes, ulturnate versions of ourselfs having adventures through time? There has to be some explanation about what is going on. And good to see you, Blue.
  6. Ahh, I remember my first gameboy, got an original gameboy when I was four. My first game was some space shooter, I forget the name. I had a huge load of games for it but I only have a couple of them now, cause most of them sucked. I still own a gameboy today and I will not sell it even if my life depended on it.

  7. When I was a little kid, I would sometimes take a peek when my dad watched horror movies, although he did not like it. He didn't want me to get scarred. Even though every time there was a death, something jumping up at you, stuff like that, I would just laugh thinking it was funny :D . I don't think I knew the concept of a horror movie back then...

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