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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Pfft as spongebob was scary at all. People need to relax a bit, hell I watched scarier stuff as a kid and THAT SHIT gave me nightmares. See picture below.

    Posted Image


    Agreed. Even the sponge bob creepypasta wasn't even the slight bit creepy. I don't think pasta's are creepy anyway, but they do have that very slight bit of creepyness, which the spongebob one didn't have. Why? BECAUSE IT IS SPONGBOB :D
  2. Purple: Wait, if this is a separate Hyrule Castle, maybe time is getting messed up. So that could mean Zelda may not exist in this time. Also, if it is a separate Hyrule castle, how would we get in? The guards will not even know us. We need a plan to get in.
  3. Purple: Wait, YOU'R girl?! There are 4 of us, so she is technically OUR girl. And not to sound like Red, but if she had to choose between us, she would pick me. I mean, do you see the way she looks at me?
  4. @Lishy: Wait, you think Link's face looks evil!? Can you give an example? I don't see it. What I don't like about Skyward Sword is that it has the sky instead of Hyrule Field. I've had that same problem with the sea in Wind Waker. I'll get over it, though. Day 1 buy for me :D

  5. I find it funny when people say not to touch/take any of "their" belongings. I put quotes on their, because, the stuff isn't their's anymore. They left it, it's all up for taking now.


    If I was there, I'd go crazy with hauling all of that stuff into a truck for myself, so just letting you know you're not the only one.


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