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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. A couple weeks ago I had a dream that I was playing the BETA Zelda 64. I've always been interested of the BETA, so when I woke up, I was bummed :D . But the dream was surprisingly realistic, bearing much resemblance to the early screen shots of the BETA. That dream inspired me to start a project I am currently working on and will be giving more information on some time in the future.


    The Wind Waker demo dream sounds cool yet very strange, though that is what I like about dreams :D

  2. Wait, did I start an argument over just mentioning minecraft? I was just trying to mention that at times it looked like minecraft but with awesome graphics, not that minecraft's graphics suck. I am not a person who judges games by graphics. I personally think that minecraft's artstyle is quite sexy XD, Sorry about that.


    (That video was quite amazing, forgot to say that on both posts I put up)

  3. DANG, that wall paper looks SEXY!!!

    SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC: What should I get, Skyward Sword or a laptop. If I buy a laptop, I can work on actual good mods without my crappy desktop crashing, but I would be taking money from other stuff and I would not be able to buy anything for a while. (My job SUCKS) But, I am also a die-hard Zelda fan who would do anything for the next Zelda game!!! Please give suggestions :D

  4. For me, I started when my friend showed me an action replay on my old Gamecube. I was very interested in hacking after that. So I did some research to make some codes for my friend's action replay. (I don't any of them anymore) It wasn't too long after that I learned about N64 emulators. So I started working on some simple texture swaps, then before I knew it, I was doing model swaps, custom rooms, and much after that. (I can't upload any hacks because of my sucky computer, getting a new one very soon)

  5. I don't want to scare people off, but I am autistic. But that dosen't mean that I'm some desiesed freak, I'm just like anyone you ever met. I just have some troubles with some stuff. Like talking with other people, making friends, and telling what's the difference between insults and sarcasm. I am not extreamly autistc, I'm just on the scale. I'm not asking for any symphony, I'm just asking if everyone can be straight forward with me. But my autism is not a bad thing, it gives me a stronger love for what I like to do. And just to say it again, I DO NOT WANT ANY SYMPHONY!!!

    Thank you.

  6. I like rpg's like final fantasty, (If that is what you ment) I have some texture hacks, (when I learn more about modding, I want to make a prequel to loz majora's mask) and I draw once in a while. (I entered the URA NPC contest if you want to see one of my pictures).

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