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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Stay strong, it's not your time yet, just stay positive
  2. I could not watch the video. My computer can't process the amount stupid in the title.
  3. I was actually going to say the same thing about the light c: And what do you mean about the grey n64 controller? I still have one and it works perfectly. Are they rare now?
  4. Perfect Dark N64 Bloodstone 007 PC Super Mario All-stars SNES or wii, dosen't matter which N64DD ^-^
  5. Congrats! You two live a bright and happy life together
  6. Just testing out photoshop. (So that's why Gorden Freeman never smiles )
  7. About the BETA project, I don't really think it's getting anywhere. It's also just not fun working on anymore. I don't know what I should do. I might restart the project from scratch. But also, I came up with an idea for a mod that I would have more fun doing anyway. Here is my draft of the story for my other idea I came up with. And remember, it's a draft, things will change and some sttuff may sound out of place due to this being a very new idea of mine. (I put it in a spoiler box because of it's massive size): So, should I continue the BETA project as it is, restart it, or work on my own idea? I probably will still work on the BETA project, but as a small side thing next to my other idea. Please respond, because I don't know which to choose Edit: Whoops! Forgot to mention that this idea is a sequal to oot of the timeline where link fails to defeat ganon.
  8. My dad is dying in the hospital, I don't know what is going to happen. I may be gone for a while.
  9. Here is my 1.0 grey cart (Sorry about the bad camera).
  10. I don't really think a screenshot is needed. It's just a grey cart with the 1.0 content. But if you want, I could hook up my n64 and get a video of the cart in action. I just don't want to go through that trouble right now.
  11. I actually have a 1.0 grey cart. I got it at a yard sale for free a couple years back, since I didn't have my old copy of oot anymore. I didn't think it was a big deal though, so I never thought to mention it.
  12. Part one is completed and I am working on it as a series now.
  13. Tommorow at lunch, I am going to Labrador, I will be gone for 10 days. So, bye guys
  14. I tested it, it is awesome! It works great too. I haven't came across any bugs yet. Fantastic job, DeathBasket
  15. Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a long time. Work is still being done, but I have not done much work in months. Not many of you know this, but i've been fighting off some self depression. And the internet was all that was really making me happy. Otherwise, I was a mess. I have not been myself since around Febuary. I may not seem it, but I've been pretty upset. Well, i'm still getting through all of this, but I think you guys will be surprised about what you see. Expect a full trailer August-ish
  16. I've watched a lot. I can't name them all. If I end up watching something I already watched, I'm fine with that. So, I guess i'm looking for a good anime that not many people know about.
  17. I've been thinking of getting back into anime, didn't watch any for almost a year. Any subjestions?
  18. Welcome to the GCN! There are a lot of different topics other then Zelda stuff, so don't worry. And judging by your introduction, you should come across things of interest here. Enjoy your stay
  19. If you were wondering why I was talking about Pokemon Green creepypasta on the shoutbox, well...
  20. Sorry about the lack of updates. We are both really busy and don't have much time to put towards this. When the summer comes, expect more. But for now, you will just have to wait.
  21. Welcome back? Well, whatever. I don't keep grudges. But yeah, just don't be so harsh on yourself. All is forgiven
  22. When I entered this topic, first thing I noticed was the video. I watched it and I was like WHOOOP!!! Forgetting that it was fan-made. Then, I looked at the name of the topic, and I was like, nooooo This game NEEDS to happen!
  23. Neither, I drink water Resident Evil or Silent Hill?
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