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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. The links are all dead :/ I'm quite curious of what was so scary now.
  2. That's a pretty awesome picture! Nice job
  3. Hi, it's been a long time since i've posted in this thred. I've been doing alot of work on this project lately so I would just like to bring an update. First of all, Jason777 joined this project a couple mounths ago. We haven't put any of our work together yet because we've been buisy with our own work on the project. Also, the old photos/video show nothing of what we have been working on lately. Me and Jason have been pretty quite about what we've been doing lately, so if you're reading this Jason, you should go on skype d: That's all for now, and expect more screenshots in the near future.
  4. When I was growing up, pretty much all of my teachers were sexist old ladies who judged me on my gender, and my disabilities. I never had a normal teacher untill high school. That's not really stuck up family, I just felt like I should post it here.
  5. Well, I don't know what to say. This group is stupider then sopa/pipa.
  6. The first pc I've owned was a windows xp laptop. I don't remember any of the specs, but it was even pretty underpowered for it's time.
  7. I've had a little idea to make a post to hear what people's first consles were. My first consle was the NES. I was born around the time the of the SNES, but my family was usually behind in the generations for consles. But that was pretty awesome knowing that I pretty much grew up with all of the generations of Nintendo
  8. I'd say it's probably April Fools, but it's still pretty cool
  9. Pretty amazing stuff right here
  10. I like the new design! Thanks for all the hard work
  11. Super smash bros: melee, wind waker, all original zelda games on gc, eternal darkness, (one my personal favorite games) super mario sunshine, nightfire 007, resident evil 4, resident evil remake, resident evil 0, I could go on.
  12. Ahh, sidetracking, by biggest enemy. It's starting to become a major problem in my life. Every time I study for classes, I end up from studying on my pc, to online gaming on my pc. This is not a good habbit to be getting into for my first year in university. Does anybody have any stratagies to cope with this problem? I really need the help.
  13. In the folder of zap2, there is a text document that reads "Actor_database", that should tell you the names of all the actors. (I have something I have to go to tonight, so this is the last advise I can give for now)
  14. Happy Birthday http://www.4shared.com/file/e__f_tY2/ZAP2.html
  15. To delete the actors with zap2 (I ment to say zap2 earlier), open up your emulator, open the zmap, find the actor you want to replace and change the actor you want to change to one one of the *Blank* actors. See, it's really easy to do.
  16. Could I tell you later, I'm a little buisy right now. Ok? If you have skype I can easily tell you through that.
  17. Well, by taking away the sky and the moon, that would take it away from hyrule field area for good. I don't know if you want to get rid of the sky and moon for good. Taking away link and epona would not take them away from the game and you can do that easy with ZLE2.
  18. It snows all the time where I'm from. when I visit other countrys, I hear people complaining about five centameters of snow. I tell them about my average 30 cm of snow every snowfall, and they are like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
  19. I love bad weather. It's always exciting when it comes. (I only had one storm this year ) Driving in 30 cm of snow, I love it
  20. If was still a kid/teen, my parents would never let me play a rated M game. I don't even remember if there were any ratings on NES and SNES games, since thoose were the only consles I had growing up. My parents just didn't let me play any "inapropriate" games. I was fine with that, stuff like violence bothered me as a kid. Now, kids and teens see blood and gore as a regular thing. I still don't play many violent games today. The most violent games I play are the Resident Evil series, nothing else really at all.
  21. My friend is a HUGE COD addict, he spends most of his time away from work playing COD. So, he invited me over to play online MW3 one day, even though I don't like COD, I came over anyway. When we entered a game, he handed me his spare mike to voice chat, and the first thing I hear is whiney little 4-year olds swearing thier guts out all over thier mic. What's up with that? When I was a kid, everyone played games like mario. Games that are actually good for their age. But now every kid you see is a XBOX 360 or PS3 addict. There's nothing wrong with playing those consles, but the games they play, it makes me sick. They are not mature enough to play the games they play. Also, if you ask kids about nintendo, they say that it's for babies, yet half of them are probably not that older then that. And if nintendo is for babys, then why do I still play it at 21 years? Agree or Disagree?
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