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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. If anyone has any brawl pics, post them here.
  2. I didn't believe it until I watched It!
  3. That cutsceen was actually found a while ago and it might be implimented in URA. (with the change in the project, I'm not sure if it will still be in URA) That cutsceen was also found in some pre-release gameplay of the game.
  4. I don't know. Well, If you would say what was the most amazing thing I ever done was I guess I would say I ziplined over an entire lake.
  5. I prefer manga. It's what I grew up with and I like the different artsyles it has. Going from gritty and realistic to kiddy and cartoony.
  6. Never mind. I did something stupid. Everything's fixed now.
  7. If I add the folder, the emulator glitches. I#m using 1.6
  8. My PJ64 did not come with any folders. If I add any folders to the emulator, it glitches up and dose not work.
  9. I've recently changed to the PJ64 emulator. And I'm trying to instal a hi-res texture pack into it. But I don't know how with this emulator. Could someone tell me how to do it with this emulator? I have version 1.6
  10. FPS: GoldenEye 007 N64 TPS: Resident Evil 4 RPG: Poke'mon Red Action/Adventure: Don't know what game to choose 2D Fighter: SSF2 3D fighter: Don't really have one Survival Horror: Resident Evil 2 Puzzle game: Don't know what to pick Favorite game where you play as a spiky-hair lawyer: Phoeinx Wright: Ace Attorney There are a lot of other generas I could think of to.
  11. I'm getting a new gaming laptop for only 100 dollars :) And with that, my friend is giving me Resident Evil 5 on steam (I heard that the game sucks, but it is pretty much the only resi game I've never played). I'm also getting Resident Evil Revelations tommorow! !!!!LIFE IS AWESOME!!!!
  12. Hallo, walcoma to tha GCN! It's always nica to hava naw mambars
  13. I don't know if there are any other fans of the series on this website, but HOLYS CRAPS, NEW ACE ATTORNEY!!! There's currently no information on the game yet, like if it will be in english, if it will be on the 3ds or not, but its just awesome to know a new Ace Attorney game is in the works.
  14. Well that will certanly be some inportant information.
  15. What calms me the most is drawing. Although I always want to show people my art, but I am always way to shy to show it off to anyone. My URA npc contest entry (which is my profile pic) is the only piece of art I've shown to anyone. I don't know if that has much to do with this thread though.
  16. For sure changing my look would boost my confidence (I look like a very tall, skinny middle schooler with a beard) I've been getting help for years, but nothing has been really helping my problems. I need to think up something that will help me deal with my stress.
  17. The plot of the movies are way different then the games. The movies are much more action-packed, where the games are more horror based (Well, they used to be)
  18. Resident Evil, for sure one of my favorite series of all time.
  19. I have nearly no friends outside of the internet. Everyone at my univercity is scarred of me because I have very-mild Autism. So everyone thinks of me as the retarded guy with no friends. The only friend I have moved half way accross the world back in high school. I'm one of the youngest and smartest people in the place, yet nobody will talk to me. I thought my problems would go away when left Jr. High, but they have been getting worse ever since. The only reason everyone knows that i'm Autistic is because some idiot spred the word around the entire school, and now everyone hates me. Right now I live in an apartment alone, my only friend being my computer. I don't really have any other problems with life, I'm just alone.
  20. Woah, it's almost every day we get new members now! Welcome to the GCN.
  21. From watching this trailer, I would guess that the controls are very similar to RE: Opperation Racoon City.
  22. Resident Evil is becoming WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to action-packed. This new instalment (RE 6) Makes me want to cry. At least we have Revelations, probably the last horror-based RE to be made "sniff"
  23. You can also see the jaggy lines on the Zelda text. The text is token from the tittle screen of OOT3D almost 90%.
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