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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Out of years of editing textures, i've never ran into a problem like this, but whenever I upload this ingame Posted Image it comes out like thisPosted Image The wrong colors show up. Any clue on how to fix this?

  2. To me, thay mean almost nothing, unless they make the game nearly unplayable and have lots of graphic errors. I don't care if an Xbox game has N64 graphics, as long as the devs don't claim their graphics are the best in the world. I think the artstyle matters more. And I still think that dosen't matter much, as long as the game is fun.

  3. Um, sorry, but I think you put this topic in the wrong place. Anyway.


    Make sure to backup your files. It may sound useless, like "oh, nothing will happen to my files" but I lost a lot of work not to long ago by not backing up my files.

  4. looks nice ;D i hope you´ll get it finished soon ^^




    btw. i already made a mod like this (



    That's pretty good :)


    Oh, just incase you were wondering , I made the shield texture smaller than you see in the beta photos just because I thought it looked better that way. (not sure if other people like it better, though :/)

  5. So, I've had this idea for a while now and I was actually pretty far with the textures, when I did a smart thing and accidentally deleted pretty much all of my work on this project. I was going to make this topic when I was 50% done the mod, but that won't be for a long while. I do have some things backed up on the project, but I stopped backing up files after TWO STINKIN' EASY TEXTURES (pictured below) thinking that nothing bad would happen. And here I am now.

    So what this mod is, is how I pretty much imagine how the beta of OOT (Zelda 64) could have been.


    Posted Image

    The early red (ish) hair for link


    Posted Image

    Edit: I've noticed a mistake on the ocarina. The top left hole looked a little brown (ish). It's hard to tell with that small image, so...

    Posted Image

    this is the older one


    Posted Image


    the new one.


    The early ocarina of time (zoom in a bit to see the fabled spiritual pieces implanted into the ocarina in one of the beta stages of the game and the holes on the left form a circle)


    That's it for now, I will be working on this game throughout most of my free time, so I'll keep this topic updated.

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