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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Alright, if you can change/add smileys into a post, add 30 and I do mean 30 smileys into my post. Just checking to see if what you say is true. [warning=lolzers!]To add so many smileys, would be against the rules. [/warning]
  2. I know I'm posting this a day early, but hey. Today is Christmas eve, so why not. I just want to wish a merry Christmas to everyone on these forums!!! Keep being awesome (these are the best forums i've ever been part of c:)
  3. Heh, that's pretty good.
  4. You have Steam? Wana play Garry's mod sometime?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6E40_O5NJQ&feature=plcp&context=C34988d9UDOEgsToPDskKQBIV1rGbouuRAnE6GMLKo I've imported some ragdolls into garry's mod, and they show up invisible. Does anyone know what to do?
  6. Woah, this topic is a lot more popular now...
  7. My friend would devour that in 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.
  8. Hi, welcome to hel... the GCN It seems that so many new members have been appearing out of everywhere lately, always good to have new members!
  9. Ew, classic Ubisoft shovelware Why is it that Ubisoft puts all their shovelware on Nintendo consles.
  10. As we all know, a lot of games are coming out next year. Some just around the corner, some will take up most of the year to come. But I am wondering what kind of games people want that come out in 2012? For me, I'm mostly looking forward for Biohazard/Resident Evil: Revelations
  11. Aww, you beat me to it. I was in the middle of porting Hyrule Field into MM to. That aside, fantastic job (you may want to fix the textures, though)
  12. No seriously, I will try my best to make sure this is the worst place you've been in your life Jk, it's always great to have new members
  13. Try extracting the files from your rom. Then import the files into UoT. It's that easy
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