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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. Alright, if you can change/add smileys into a post, add 30 and I do mean 30 smileys into my post. Just checking to see if what you say is true.


    [warning=lolzers!]To add so many smileys, would be against the rules. :)[/warning]

  2. I know I'm posting this a day early, but hey. Today is Christmas eve, so why not. I just want to wish a merry Christmas to everyone on these forums!!! Keep being awesome :) (these are the best forums i've ever been part of c:)

  3. The Legend of Zelda Official timeline *sniff*:



    Main Timeline

    1. Skyward Sword

    2. Minish Cap

    3. Four Swords

    4. Ocarina Of Time


    Split 1: Link defeats Ganon - childhood branch

    a) Majora's Mask

    b.)Twilight Princess

    c) Four Swords Adventures


    Split 2: Link defeats Ganon - adult branch

    a) Wind Waker

    b.) Phantom Hourglass

    c) Spirit Tracks


    Split 3: Link fails in Ocarina Of Time

    a) A Link To The Past

    b.) Oracles

    c) Link's Awakening

    d) The Legend Of Zelda

    e) The Legend Of Zelda II


    Hmm... I wonder where the CDI games would fit there.
  4. As we all know, a lot of games are coming out next year. Some just around the corner, some will take up most of the year to come. But I am wondering what kind of games people want that come out in 2012?

    For me, I'm mostly looking forward for Biohazard/Resident Evil: Revelations :)

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