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Everything posted by LEepicPOULET

  2. Actually, i've been doing texture mods for years. I've just not posted any online. But if you want help from someone else, i'm not going to preach you into getting help from me
  3. Oh, I've just figured out how I fixed ZAP2. Although it looks like you figured it out I just redownloaded it and it worked out. Weird how I didn't remember a simple thing like that... Oh right, my stupid short term memory loss Do you have skype? I could give you a tutorial through skype.
  4. Skyward Sword all the way! I own both, though I prefer Skyward Sword. I'm not saying Skyrim sucks, both the games are masterpieces. But I've enjoyed SS more.
  5. Shigeru's smile reminds me alot of the happy mask salesmen...
  6. Purple hears thinks he heard someone whistle, Blue! I don't think we are alone here. Let's follow that sound.
  7. Start whenever you want. It dosen't matter.
  8. I went through the same thing, but sorry. I don't remember what to do to fix it. If I remember, I will tell you.
  9. Hey, welcome to the GCN
  10. I can't really think of any at the moment, but it would be interesting to have Waluigi playable in the next smash bros.
  11. Hah, your right. Although that hurts my eyes like crazy Still pretty cool, though
  12. Ha ha, i'll think of that next time something like that happens.
  13. Mock people? I don't mock people. I'm a nice guy and I try to not act like a total jerk as much as I can. I didn't mean it in that way.
  14. Wow, I feel stupid now. That would of made everything a whole lot better.
  15. Dumbest thing happend to me today. I was walking up my street when a drunken older gent walked up to me claiming that my dog pooped on his yard. Wierd thing was, I did not have a dog with me. So I pointed out that I have no dog with me. So then He tells me that if I don't pick it up, he will charge me. So I start to walk to my appartment, thinking he will just give up. And he is following me to my appartment! He told me he will not go until I pick up the poop, or pay him cash. So I go up to my appartment, got a grocery bag, and picked up the poop. True story.
  16. I think what he means is make an adult link that looks more like the MM Link model. The young Links in OOT and MM have slightly different models.
  17. I've been bored with nothing to do for a while now, so I decided to drop here a few of my old pictures from Garry's Mod.
  18. Purple: I'm fine. Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing. Do you have any idea where we are?
  19. As purple continues to walk up the hill... Purple: Blue! Is that you?
  20. If the rest of the thred agrees with it. It is a yes from me. We do kind of need a Mario at this time.
  21. It looks quite interesting. Looks like a nice tribute to Rare's games. (Which I loved ) Hope it turns out!
  22. Is it just a different colour palette or a texture hack? I can't tell.
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