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Posts posted by LEepicPOULET

  1. You know what I would have done, or at least wanted to do? Punch him in the face and say "Stop fucking following me, you drunken moron." Then I would have done what Ganondork suggested. :D


    Ha ha, i'll think of that next time something like that happens.
  2. Don't mock me. Just because I am a brony, it does not mean I like to be a kind kiss-ass like the rest.




    I have no idea where you live, but where I do, it would have.


    And I seriously get the feeling you're mocking me, too, in which case:


    Way to miss out on good advice. Your loss.


    This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?


    Mock people? I don't mock people. I'm a nice guy and I try to not act like a total jerk as much as I can. I didn't mean it in that way.
  3. I would have called the local law enforcement, and not have given him the satisfaction of me picking up the shit.


    Seriously, why the fuck did you do that?




    This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?


    Wow, I feel stupid now. That would of made everything a whole lot better.
  4. Dumbest thing happend to me today. I was walking up my street when a drunken older gent walked up to me claiming that my dog pooped on his yard. Wierd thing was, I did not have a dog with me. So I pointed out that I have no dog with me. So then He tells me that if I don't pick it up, he will charge me. So I start to walk to my appartment, thinking he will just give up. And he is following me to my appartment! He told me he will not go until I pick up the poop, or pay him cash. So I go up to my appartment, got a grocery bag, and picked up the poop.


    True story.

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